I'm a Christian =)
Sanji07 wrote: *marikyamibakurazorosanjianddaitokuji-senseiarealsohawt* =3
*marikyamibakurazorosanjianddaitokuji-senseiarealsohawt* =3
lol. XD Funny.And if your still accepting guest stars, heres Brandy. =ohttps://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e32/doggys15/000_1134.jpgShe is very sweet, yet a little shy. She doesn't get mad easily, and loves playing and being active. She's a 4-year old Poodle.
OrcaGirl305 wrote: XDD Fnx Ngal ;D
XDD Fnx Ngal ;D
Pokemon_Sonic wrote: Sanji07 wrote: *marikyamibakurazorosanjianddaitokuji-senseiarealsohawt* =3THATS A LOT XD
just came by to say goodbye.Leaving this place for good.Psycho sucks.Bye.