Okay, this is being a butt and won't let me edit stuffs... OLOLZ NEW CHAPTER :D hehehehe and emember...IM SAM LAWLZ HEHEHE
*Chapter 34*
Bo: Hi. Mac: OOO HOW ITZ BEEN SO LAWNG Ace: WEER SO SOWY WE'VE BEEN GAWN Brendon: WE WERE BUSY RITING SAWNGS FR U Sam: BRENDON! Brendon: oh god.. Kate: WE'RE SO STARVING Sam: It explains the tacos... Labby: Mmhmm... Kate: RELIENT K Sam: CARTEL Kate: NAZI CAKE! IWN: I miss Pierre. ;.; Harry Potter: ACCIO PIERRE BOUVIER!! Pierre: Whoa what am I doing here? Harry Potter: HEHEHE NOW I MUST GO AND SAVE MY OVER WEIGHT COUSIN FROM DEMENTIES *flys away* Peppie: That was odd... Sam: PRETTY. ODD. Brendon: YAYAY IWN: YAYAYAYAY *hugs pierre* Pierre: oh lord not you again DAVID. WHERE ART THOU??? IWN: I'D DO ANYTHIIIIIIIIIIIINGG JUST TO HOLD YOU IN MY ARMZZZ Pierre: ...Someone save me ;.;
Mac: AHHHHHHHH Ace: SOOOUP Sam: SUPERSAM!! *slides down slide* *Sam falls off of slide* Sam: ^$%#$@$#@ Kate: Hahahaha Brendon: *throws dice* Spencer: o----o diiiiiiiice o.o Jon: *le gasp* Ryan: *staring at sam* Sam: ...oh my god it's JUST like that picture... Picture: Kate: I feel lonely... Patrick: TAKE THAT YOU ARROWS! TELLING ME WHICH WAY TO GO HA Kate: SKIPOPY!!! Patrick: ...NO ARROWS IM SORRY! TAKE ME WITH U Kate: *hug* Patrick: ;.; Pete: Why are we here again Sam: AHH D- Pete: Don't say it... Sam: ...*sticks tongue out*
IWN: And then we can go to the movies and then the mall and then the park and we can hold hands and *keeps blabbing* Pierre: *sigh* Nickie: I'm boredddd Psy: Sam Kerry. Sam: ...Psy Maya. Psy: ...*boom* Kate: Hahaha Sam: Kate Manson Kate: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHmeowHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Joe: *runs in circles* Ngal: Circles are so cliche... Kate: TRIANGLE Sam: but what about those sharp turns? Kate: ...evil. Sam: HALF CIRCLES!! Kate: YAYAYAYAY
Bo: Where did all these guys come from? Jake: Harry Potter. Peanut. o-O Pete: ... Kate: AHHHH Sam: Kate loves Pete Kate: ...*thump* Sam: ;.; Fine, I'll go bother geely
*Swing set in the backyard*
IWN: I'm glad you can be here with me. ^^ Pierre: ...mmhmm...*rolls eyes* IWN: I like your hair Pierre: Mmhmm... IWN: And your shoes Pierre: Mmhmm IWN: Will you sing to me? Pierre: Mmhm-... IWN: *kaboom* Pierre: ...crap... Sam: Awww Pierre: ... IWN: GO AWAY SAM YOU'RE RUINING THE MOMENT Sam: AWWW GEELYZ HAVING UH MOMENT aw; IWN: *whack* Sam: OW! YOU HIT ME WITH A SWING IWN: HAHAHAHAHA Sam: OFF TO BOTHER HANNAH *skips off* IWN: Now we're all alone. :D Pierre: ... IWN: :] Pierre: ...Mommy. ;.;
Sam: skip skip skip *falls down* ...fall down... Labby: Hahahaha Sam: ;.; Labby: Im boredededed Will: LAWLZ LEWK AT MI IM FLY SEAHORSE DOLPHIN BUNNY MAHN Peanut: wth? Sam: HAHAHA Labby: YAYAYAY *hug* Will: :D Sam: That was weird... Harry Potter: EHEHEHEHEHEHE Nickie: ... Sam: ... Ngal: ... George Clooney: ... Ngal: o-o'
Kate: *poke* Pete: ... Patrick: oh my godddd it's a pen o-o Spencer: o.o Jon: KITTY Kitten [My cat]: ... Jon: KITTY KITTY KITTY :333 Kitten: ... Jon: *picks up kitten* Hehehehe :3 Brendon: If i weren't in this band, i'd be uh land surveyr teehee *randomness lawlz* Jon: kitty kitty kitty :33 IF I WEREN'T IN UH BAND, I'D OPEN AN ANIMAL SHELTER!! Everyone: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww aw; Brendon: AW COME ON! HE HATES ANIMALS!! THAT'S A LIE!! Spencer: I'D OPEN AN ORPHANAGE!! Ryan: And I'd just help out at the hospital everyday... Everyone: AWWWWW aw; Brendon: EKTJSIUHUYD WTHJUHREUYDG *kaboom* Kate: *throws plastic spoon at andy* Andy: ... Kate: I HIT BOHO Andy: what the heck is a boho? I STILL WANT TO KNOW Joe: it's what you are apparently Andy: ... Patrick: hahaha
IWN: This is the bestest day ever aw; Pierre: When can I go home? David: I FOUND HIM Pierre: YESSS IWN: DAVID *hug* David: AHHHHHHHH *runs away* Pierre: NO COME BACK! darn it ;.; IWN: Aww...oh well i still got you :D Sam: Awwww IWN: ... Sam: ...I'll leave now...
Ryan: *staring at something* Jon: Kitty kitty ki- Kitten: *goes ninja kitty* Jon: AHHHHHHH *runs* Spencer: what does this do...*pokes kate* Kate: SOUP Spencer: IT GOES SOUP! *poke* Kate: SOUP Sam: *waves hand infront of Ryan's face* Ryan: *blank stare* Sam: ... Brendon: What's he staring at? Sam: I dun-....BRENDON!! Brendon: STAY BACK!! *does X with fingers* Patrick: meoooooooooooooooooooooooooow
Mac: IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!! Ace: I found skate boards... Spencer: I USED TO SKATEBOARD!! but i kept hurting myself so i stopped ;.; Ace: aw ;.; Everyone: Awwwwwwwwwwwww aw; Brendon: STOP THAT Sam: THE ANTIDOTE FOR IRONYYYY Kate: ROCK JAM!! Alex: CHUNKY SALSA Jake: I found a nickel! Ngal: PHILIP!! Peanut: AHH RAIN Peppie: AHH *raining* Jon: I LIKE RAIN Everyone: Awwwwwwwwwwww aw; Brendon: STOP AWING >:[ Everyone: Awww ;.; Brendon *ksjfsuhgduju* Kitten: *sniff ryan* Ryan: ... Kitten: *goes pirate kitty* Ryan: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Bo: This is getting out of hand Mac: Stop being such a dooglesnorf.. Bo: What? o-O Sam: THE CAT ATE MY SHMIBBLEBOOP!! Ryan: YOUR CAT TRIED TO EAT ME Spencer: RYAN'S A SHMIBBLEBOOP Kate: He's Sam's Shmibbleboop :D Sam: ... Ryan: ... Gerard Way: ... Sam: FISHY MAN Gerard: NO I'M A FREAKING PRINCESS Sam: princess fishy man Gerard: ...*leaves*
Alex: I'm tired Bo: Okay...i think we should end this now... IWN: NOOOOO Pierre: YESSSSSSS Sam: SOOOOOOOOOUP Kate: JELLOOOOO Labby: IMMA PIRATE Brendon: OOO ME TOO Bo: bye now Jake: Bye Sam: BYEBYE Ryan: CRISS ANGEL Jon: EVERYTHING Ryan: WHEN I SAVED SPENCER'S LIFE Spencer: LAWLZ Ryan: Candyyyy Kate: oh god he's hyper...
I'm sorry. This Entry has exploded due to Ryan being hyper. Sadly, his skinny little body couldn't handle it and he exploded. We're sorry for the inconvenience ... Uhm... :D
I swear I was laughing so hard, my mom came in and asked my if I was dying. :D
IWN: I'm glad you can be here with me. ^^ Pierre: ...mmhmm...*rolls eyes* IWN: I like your hair Pierre: Mmhmm... IWN: And your shoes Pierre: Mmhmm IWN: Will you sing to me? Pierre: Mmhm-... IWN: *kaboom* Pierre: ...crap... Sam: Awww Pierre: ... IWN: GO AWAY SAM YOU'RE RUINING THE MOMENT Sam: AWWW GEELYZ HAVING UH MOMENT aw; IWN: *whack* Sam: OW! YOU HIT ME WITH A SWING IWN: HAHAHAHAHA Sam: OFF TO BOTHER HANNAH *skips off* IWN: Now we're all alone. :D Pierre: ... IWN: :] Pierre: ...Mommy. ;.;
IWN: This is the bestest day ever aw; Pierre: When can I go home? David: I FOUND HIM Pierre: YESSS IWN: DAVID *hug* David: AHHHHHHHH *runs away* Pierre: NO COME BACK! darn it ;.; IWN: Aww...oh well i still got you :D Sam: Awwww IWN: ... Sam: ...I'll leave now...
I can't get through it all, but funny! xD Could me and Summer be guests OR permanant characters? :P
Picture: Name: Summer Brooke Age: 10 months Crush: Lol she likes Drake, but since he's not in here: Ace! :D Personality: Fun, Active, Naughty, Pretty, and very Show-Off...ie.xD Breed: Dauchshund (long hair mini, black and brown) Weighs: 10 pounds Details: We plan on breeding her, she gets aggressive over her bones, and loves human food-- hates hers.xDD
And....Me. :P
Picture: phhht yeah sure.xD Name: Caroline/Animal_Lover Age: 10 yrs. Crush: Nope, not tellin Personality: Weird sometimes, leader-ish, somewhat bossy (xD), and (i guess) nice :] Breed: 0_o Weighs: YEAH RIGHT Details: LOVES animals, drawing, and music. :P
GOOOOOOOOOOO FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR: http://wouldcouldshould.tumblr.com/