Bo: LET ME SHOW YOU MY POKEMANS =D Molly: Uhm... don't you mean Pokemons? Bo: =| It's Pokeman's see? -shows box- Toes: Mkay that's eough let's just get to the playing Peanut: Yeah >=( Bo: Get your own box Molly: Offfffff? Bo: Pokemans =| Toes: -sigh- Peanut: Wthhhh Bo: -begins to play- OMG ITS A PIKACHU! -throws pokeball- Peanut: WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA? =D Bo: =| You messed me up retard Toes: Now stop fighting its just a game Molly: QFT Bo: Pokemanz > All Peanut: For the last freakin time it's POKEMON =| Bo: Prove it n00b Peanut: -gets out box- LOOK =| Bo: P-O-K-E-M-O-N..... whoops Toes: >_> Bo: OMG IT'S MY RIVAL Rival: Your going down >=] Bo: -loses- =| WTHHHH -throws DS out the window- The End
"What are you going to do, poke her with a stick? Dude you're not going to poke her with a stick!"