Poop- Turned out like poop. What else is new? Graphite and Charcoal Painted Flower- Acrylics on wood. Altimira Oriole (Icterus gularis)- I did my rough draft on a MagnaDoodle. Finished drawing. Charcoal and colored pencils. It looks different from the book because that's a Baltimore Oriole.
Thanks. ^__^ I just did the dachshund and Zoey yesterday. I was in a crayon mood. I tried drawing Bo, but he looked more obese than fluffy. >_< I'm gonna try again tonight, or tomorrow, whenever I have time.
Thanks. ^__^ I just did the dachshund and Zoey yesterday. I was in a crayon mood. I tried drawing Bo, but he looked more obese than fluffy. >_< I'm gonna try again tonight, or tomorrow, whenever I have time.
Welcome. ^__^ Lol. xD I've done that. You should see all the ones I try drawing on him..xD