On a planet called Lycoris, in a total diftrent univeres, lived these creatures that where alot like humans, except they where animals that talked and lived like humans in houses and wore clothes and such. They where called Furries. A aqua blue fox, with purple eyes, lived there. She had a nice life, with a great circle of friends. She had a distent, dark past, but wanted to escape from it. One day she awoke, finding herself in a diftrent place she had fallen alseep. She had 4 legs, no clothes, and no arms, she wondered what was wrong, then she found out that she was on Earth, home to humans and animals. She wondered how she got here, and how she would get back, and, how she would survive during the time in a place she hardly knew existed, as something she didn't know about. And during this all, she is heartbroken, and now hardly remember anything about her real home on Lycoris. She soon relizes that the person that broke her heart apart, and her life also, is here, and knows how to stop this huge mess, if she only would let him...
Part one coming soon ^w^
This isn't exactly a story about a canine, but the main part of it will be about one, and also this is a sequal, and the end of it will have another sequal to it. So the end of it wont be like most endings are
Nickie4681 and Missy BFF<3
I wont be on today(Friday) after 2, and I wont be on untill Sunday after 1. So cya then.
Whatwhat happened? A light blue fox with strange markings and long hair stood shakily up, her wobbly knees could barely hold her up as she looked at her unfamiliar surroundings She looked down at her paws, something was wrong. She limped over to a building, as she heard footsteps approaching, and saw, to her extreme surprise, a human Whatwas a human doing here? Andwhy was shea normal fox? She stared blankly at everything, it was all so confusing, and she didnt know how to survive, in another universe, as something she hardly new existed. What could she do? Find another foxor, another, canine, whatever. She thought, looking once more around her, it looked like a city, and a huge one at that. She didnt think she could find another fox in here, but she might find some stray dogs, maybe even pets. But she could hardly walk, was she tired, or hungry? She laid down and leaned against a garbage can, making it topple over, in her surprise she got up and looked at everything that spilled out. Maybe there was some food in there, that the humans had so wastefully thrown away. She started digging through it, and the only thing that seemed edible was a half of an orange and a banana peel. She ate the orange half but she knew better then to eat the peel. Soon she was going along the back of the street, tipping over garbage cans and eating what seemed edible enough to eat, which was hard, because she had no sense of smell, but she managed well enough to get enough of her strength back. Then she laid down behind a house that didnt look very active, and fell asleep. She woke up with a start, not long after, for a low growling and snarling awoke her. She looked around, and then jumped back and hide behind the corner when two dogs exploded in a fight for a killed squirrel. Her mouth watered as she peaked around the corner, and looked at the juicy, freshly killed morsel, the dogs where paying more attention to each other, then to bother watching their meal, and she quickly snatched it up and ran off, and if took the angry canines awhile before they both realized that their prized possession was gone. Quickly running away from the seen of the crime, with her prize clamped between her jaws, she found a safe place and ate everything but...some of the things that didnt look very appetizing, and the bones that she didnt swallow accidently, she felt much better, and decided to start searching for some, fellow canines. She trotted around, in the safest looking places, but soon it was getting dark, and she did find any animal that stayed long enough for a chat, for the only ones she saw where some birds, who quickly flew off at the sight of a predator. It was getting a little dark, and she had almost given up and was about to look for a safe place to sleep when she heard a small, high-pitched voice. Hi! What are you doing here? it asked, she whirled around in surprise. There in front of her was a small Chihuahua. My name is Anyia, whats yours? she asked happily. Oh, I - Im Missy. The fox said, still surprised. Why are you out so late? Anyia whispered, more quietly. There might be danger around, do you wanna come inside? it wasnt until then when Missy realized that her new friend, was a pet, owned by somehuman. Buuut Im a fox she whispered back. Humans rather shoot me than have me as a pet. Oh, I wouldnt worry about that. Anyia informed her. But you better make up your mind, who knows what trouble that could find you is around, and there isnt much safe places around here, so you better make up your mind soon. The little Chihuahua said, turning around and heading to the house. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. Coming, or not? The unusal fox hesitated, looking around, she wanted to trust the little canine, but for some reason she felt like she couldnt trust anyone, in this, new world. But she knew she was probably right, besides, what could happen? She followed her friend, hoping she made the right choice, even though something nagged in her head to turn around and get away from there.
End of part 1
Nickie4681 and Missy BFF<3
I wont be on today(Friday) after 2, and I wont be on untill Sunday after 1. So cya then.
Tmptmptmp The only sounds in the dark house was the tiny footsteps of the two canines, the Chihuahua leading. Wait here. Whispered Anyia, stopping besides a small plant by the floor that was next to a wooden desk. Ill check to see if Master is around. She pointed to the stares, telling her that she would make sure that the master was asleep or not. It seemed awhile sense that tiny dog at started crawling up the stares, barely making a sound. And Missy was getting a little more then impatient, and she was also getting extremely bored. The excitement that the house had caused a few minutes early was dimmed, and she wished that she was aloud to explored. Waitwhy was she, taking orders from a tiny thing that she could choke with one paw? She snickered a little at her foolishness, or so she thought. And making sure she didnt make a sound, she stepped around the plant, making sure not to rub against the wooden legs of the desk. She peaked around the corner of a door, and stepped into was looked like a living room. The rug was so fine, and the furniture looked like it cost a million. Huge, grand chairs with sparkling pillows stood on one side, well a pure white fire place with a amazing mirror white polar bear skin standing over it. She looked around, moonlight shined through golden curtens, and poured over her out of place blue body. She looked down at the glorious design in the rug and noticed not a single hair in the intire place, and she scooted out the door, because she knew that even that pampered Chihuahua wasnt aloud in such a breath-taking place. Crossing the room she entered, she slipped into another room, which looked like a kitchen. She saw beautiful steaks and chicken, in a pan, set out, still warm. Her mouth watered and her eyes grew wonderfully big, as she drew closer to the delisious feast. The aroma of the smorgasboard floated past her, even though she couldnt smell it, just the sight of the juicy meats, made her crave them even more. But her chest touched something, and she looked down, banging her chin on the bottom of the counter, looking up again, she saw the thing she craved so much, at the top of the protecting thing. She growled in anger and almosted turned away, but the sight of her want made her crave it all the more. She had to have it! And no frikkin counter would get in her frikkin way. First, she tried jumping, but the slippery side forbad any nail scratching. Then, she tried running for the jump. She backed away until her butt touched the other end of the room, she liked some drool away from her check and started running. She slippery floor was hard of her soft paws and long, sharp nails. It was easy and unnoticeable when she was walking, but now she had a goal, and the wet-like floor was getting in the way, she made a great leap, but only got a little higher then the first jump. She fell back on her back and rolled over, glaring at the steak, not yet giving up
The little chi got to the top of the steps and crossed the hallway, going over to a dark mirror and reaching up and scratching the side. A dark shadow passed over, shaped like a human but with wolf features and then disappeared as a wolf, dark green with blue highlights in his hair. His beautiful orange eyes dropped down to the tiny canine. Shes here. Hissed the little thing quietly, her blue eyes smiled evilly at his own. Good, keep her here by tomorrow. He growled back. If everything works out, then shell be gone by early morning. He grinned, his silver fangs glimmering in the dark, and entered the mirror again as the chi closed it. She turned around and headed towards the stares, but a huge BANG startled her and she jumped back.
She was trying everything, even dragging a chair over and trying to climb from the chair over to the counter, the chair toppled over but hardly made a sound. She hissed softly, then saw an open drawer in the middle of the counter, she tried to reach up, but almost knocked it off on top of her. She dragged the chair and tried her best to set it up straight, then climbed up it and onto the drawer, which was wobbling like crazy under her weight , her blue paw reached out at dragged it over to the edge, then everything was a toppled mess, the drawer slipped out from under her, and the pan flipped over on top of her, crashing onto the chair, her back bent between a leg of the chair which turned on its side from the impact, the drawer and what was in it sprawled to the side, scattering everywhere. The meat, chicken and whatever with its juice and gravy spilled all over the fox, who was happily excited because she finally got her prize, but the hurried, familiar paw steps that ran towards the kitchen snapped the fox out of her meat state and reminded her what her little friend told her
End of part 2
Nickie4681 and Missy BFF<3
I wont be on today(Friday) after 2, and I wont be on untill Sunday after 1. So cya then.