Well, today is mah birthday and I got AC:WW...well.....everyone is saying it's like da best game ever but.....it's...not.....at least in my opinion.....I mean...it's okay but....not the greatest....
I wouldn't say it's the best game ever, but there's lot's to do. One time I spent a whole week designing my town to look like a suburb. I even put a parking lot in front of Nookington's and the Museum. I also made "Fishing Stations" where I put sidewalk by the river and put down fishing rods so visitor's and I can fish. I also played hide and seek once. I also made a tic-tac-toe feild using Peach's and Pears as the x's and o's. I also laid out towels on the beach. There's lot's do to have fun! =D
I don't know, seems to vary for different people and different intrests. I'm not into Pokemon at ALL, I find it very stupid IMO, I like AC:WW, there's nothing to "beat" I guess. It just goes on forever and ever. >=D xD