Weelcome to my art thread. I like drawing, and am alright at it. Typically if you request something I never get around to it, because I draw when I feel like, and what I feel like.
My Drawings!
Postage on art thread?! My grandparents had me paint another bird house. I'm not sure if I posted the first one, it was back in May. This one is a bit better. They want me to do another one too, go figure. haha. I enjoyed painting it. They only had a few colors so I got to mix it up a bit, but overall it's OK. It was fun, that's what matterrs. There's a digital painting of a lab too.
I might go back in and put a green background, would look a lot nicer.
Next time I'll bring some of my own thin brushes along.
The red, white and blue flowers side is my favorite. Here's a comparision of the last birdhouse I did. Suckage much?