Hey everyone! Well for those who don't know, I'm getting a new puppy this summer Another GSP, and who is actually, Patch's little brother ^^ Now next sunday we're going on our trip for 7 days and a few weeks later we hopefully should be getting him. Gah, I'm too excited. But basically he's all MY respsonsibility. I have to pick up after him, feed and water him. But I can handle it. And I told my parents that.
My parents and sister work almost every week day in the summer so I get to be alone with the puppy for a long time everyday. Therefore I'll get to train him and bond with him ^_^
I thought of a name: Jack. What'cha think? I mean, it's almost perfect for a GSP Stay tuned for more!
My pain and all the trouble caused, no matter how long, I believe that there's hope buried beneath it all.
I appreciate the 2 people who actually replied to this thread.
Well my mom called the breeder last night to see if he was breeding but no answer so she left a message. He hasn't advertised yet so he may not be breeding I really want one of Patch's brothers or sisters
But if he is breeding then the puppies some might be born already or some might be born in a few weeks Cause late this month 2 years ago we got Patch.
My pain and all the trouble caused, no matter how long, I believe that there's hope buried beneath it all.