Tasha's been going potty on almost everything. my moms taking her to the vet..probably. she more likely then not will have to be put down :) i mean...a 14 year old kitty...chances aren't favoring the good side
this isn't just me losing a pet that i've had since i was like...6... I grew UP with these guys...there my best friends [sad i know..] and i dont want to lose her.
though i know its for the best if we have to. i wont be able to be there though...i cant handle that...
That's so sad, -insertannoyingnicknamehere-. Tasha and Fuzzy are really cute! I know how you feel, and if you need to talk I'm here for you! =D My prayers are with you and Tasha. =)
How cute! I used to have a cta named Natasha. She looked kinda like Tasha, but she had short hair and no white, just gry and bl;ack spots and stripe pattern tabby. Anyways, your kittehs are so coot! :D