CAPTION CONTEST Have your friends raved about your funny bone? Time to show it off! This silly shot was taken by IWN, featuring her dog Jake. Think up a funny caption and post it or PM it to CollarGirl! Winner will appear in a future issue. Pet Poll! Answer this poll question by simply posting your answer! Q: Has your Nintendog ever won championship obedience? A: Yes. B: No. C: No, I got second or third place. D: SUPID STUPID TRICKS>:(>:(>:(!!! USER INTERVIEW Collar: Good morning everybody, and today were interviewing NintendogGal54 on Contest trials. So NdogGal, what trials do you specialize in? NdogGal:Well, I love to do Agility trials; the lowest time I've gotten is 25.55 with my yorkie, Susie, in the Championship Round. Collar: Wow, thats a low score (as in really good)! How well do you do in obedience, the dreaded competition? NdogGal: Well, when I first started playing Nintendogs, I got to frustrated with Obedience I didn't do it at all. Later when I picked the game back up, I got to the Master Class with 10.00. Unfortunately my dog doesn't seem to know how to jump no matter HOW many times I teach it to her. So I've never won a championship. Collar: I see. Last question: what dog breeds do you think do best in obedience competition, and why? NdogGal: I really have no idea. But Poodles and Schnauzers because that's what I've used. Collar: I love those breeds:)! Anyways, thanks for answering these questions! I really appreciate it! Ngal: Thank you! I much enjoyed it! Check This Out! No doubt about it- this is one amazing dog! You dont have to watch the whole eight minutes, but by just watching a few youll be blown away. Skidboot And if you thought that was kind of sad, take a load of this. Skidboot_Has_Left_Us *sniffs* Nintendogs Review By PuppyCat614
Nintendogs, a game we all love. Many of us people here on the NKC have lost interest in the game, and many are just beginners. Everyone here knows there are pros and cons of Nintendogs. This game is the virtual dog owners dream, to raise the perfect pup and make them the top of their contest. This game is loved by most, and uses many of the Nintendo DSs features. You can use the microphone to name your dogs, making them able to reply to the sound of your voice calling them to play. You can also teach them many tricks, using them to succeed in the ever challenging Obedience Trial. The touch screen is used for everything, for giving your dog a scratch behind the ear or to lead them to victory in a Disc or Agility Trial. This game is an exciting game for those who love dogs.
Pros: The pros of Nintendogs; theyre what made the game the success it was. One of them is the graphics. This games graphics is one of the reasons its so popular. The dogs are as cute as ever, and act almost like real dogs! Many people will say that a key point of the game is the graphics, because of the quality. Another good quality is the experience you get from this. You learn how to treat your pups, and get to know them. While playing, you might feel like youre actually in the game. The fun doesnt stop there, there is also bark mode. In bark mode, you can met up with a friend who is close by. You can exchange a gift, and play with their dog. Most people love bark mode, I, for one, love it because the catchy name and the ability to exchange gifts. Those two pros of Nintendogs are some of the main reasons this game became a big hit.
Cons: Even some of the beloved games have cons. One flaw with Nintendogs is the repetitiveness of the game. Most kids say this game entertains one for only a certain amount of time. This game has the same events over and over again. It can get really boring after a while, so if you want this game. May I warn you it doesnt stay precious forever. Another con is no Wi-fi. Wi-fi, as you may know, is meeting with friends over your wireless internet connection, using a friend code. During wi-fi, you could possibly meet up with a friend and challenge them in a contest. But sadly, thats just a fantasy, because Nintendogs isnt wi-fi compatible. This is a downside for Nintendog lovers. These cons are the reason this game didnt stay as popular as it started out as. Nintendogs; In Conclusion Nintendogs gets a rating of 9.0. This is a really lovable game, but it lost some points on the repetitiveness. This game really is a good buy; it has graphics that will make you squeal CUTE! The game also has experience of a lifetime. Its too cute for words. The game has many high points that made it such a good seller for Nintendo. But the downsides to this game. Every game has them, we all know, but Nintendogs downsides are kind of extreme. They include the repetitiveness. This really can get annoying. You love the game for so long, then you kind of get bored and never play it. Also, no wi-fi makes the game pointless. Wi-fi makes a game fun, but Nintendogs sadly lacks that feature. In conclusion; this game is a great buy, and its the experience of a life time!
-PuppyCat614 --There were originally pictures between paragraphs, but my computer is too stubborn to post them. Sorry! (BTW, I'm talking about the review) If you would like to see it complete with pictures, check out this link!>>> PuppyCat's_Review!
There you have it! I sure hope you enjoyed the second issue! BTW, I need more thoughts on Archie Hubbs! PM them to me now ppl>:( Sowy, it would just REALLY help! THanks!:P
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).