Coal. There's coal EVERYWHERE here. They used to mine it. I should take some pictures of the abandoned coal mining buildings. They're very close to my house. One of the buildings has a sink in it, and underneath the sink, in the cupboard, there's an old tin can for...I can't remember what. I hope it's still there.
Another batch uploading. And it's taking FOR.EV.ER.
My church has ABF nights sometimes, (Once a month, I believe.) which is were the adults get together with their classes on a Sunday afternoon, and my mom's class went to a lake/park/thing. I got tons of pictures, so enjoy!
On the way there~
A different lake. (Not the one we went to.) I hate it when the guardrail gets in the picture. >:[
Feild. I was surprised at how straight this picture turned out.
'Nother barn.
Grand entrance. (To some person's house, not the lake/park/thing.)
'Nother field.
'Nother field.
I really like this picture. It has so many layers to it, and I unknowingly captured a deer in the picture.
At the lake~
See that part of the lake that looks swampy-ish? That's jsut because it's COVERED with lily pads.
Lifegaurd chair overlooking the lake.
Lifegaurd chair again.
Some guy fishin'.
Same guy fishing.
Tree stumps.
I can't remember the name of this game...something golf, I'm thinking. Please tell me if you know.
I specificly remember rotating this picture. o.O
Lily pads and grass.
Lily pads again.
And again.
And yet again.
And once again.
Last ones. I promise.
We walked up to the stable, which was in the park, up the road from the lake. They were police horses. I only have a zoom of 4x, though, and they were reluctant to come near the electric fence.
I WUBWUBWUB paliminos.
Lewkin' at mii mawmie.
Back to the lake~
Flip-flops in teh sand.
Kewl light.
Abandoned swing.
Shore again.
I lyke dis one. House on a hill.
Overpass for a train. Lately, I love bridges and overpasses. They absolutely fascinate me.
Thank you! Thank you sooo much! I would like to go into Micro Stock Photography, while I'm still 'young,' but there's probably an age limit, and, plus, it'll be very hard once school starts again.