O.o Those are incredible. I love your work. Keep it up. O.o
I agree. Your stuff is AMAZING Rotty! Better than anything I'VE ever took! Some really look professional!
QFT. Have you ever entered any photography competitions? (I wouldn't know if there's no such thing, so don't blame me) If you haven't, you serioulsy should, just for fun. Maybe you WILL win.
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).
FNX GUYS!!! I have tons of new pictures, but I've been getting more and more into human photography, and almost all the pictures are of my sister, so...ya. XDDD
I would like to enter in a photography competition, but I don't know of any where I live. I'm thinking of taking pictures of people's kids for free, (I've REALLY been enjoying taking pictures of PEOPLE. XDDD) and then just let the word spread. (Hopefully...) Ya...^_^
New pictures whenever. It's a pain to upload them because my computer seems to think that my account shouldn't have access to half of the pictures that I take. So, since I can't view them, I have to go on my mom's account, upload them, and switch back and forth between her account and mine to upload and post and stuff. >_<
PLEASE READ THE RED PRINT: Thank you for your comments, guys. I really enjoy seeing all of them. If you can, could you possibly tell me which ones you like best so I get a taste for what other people like instead of just what I like? Thanks, guys! I wub yoo!
WARNING: Side effects may include, but are not limited to, itchy, watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, a fear of beatles, and hunger.
No photoshop. The potato was really shaped like that. =P
Mint Blossom.
The beatle came out so clearly. Click Here to see the full-size.