wish i'd had my zoom lens. the water was really cool.
i like the out-of-focus trees/mountain in the background
it took me 12345.6789 million years to get that in focus
PORTAL TO THE DARK SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that thing is creepy. nuff said.
jlajfalfkj love that.
I just realized I posted these pictures backward...XDD I may mess around with the contrast on some of these and post 'em again. But i have to go to piano class right now. :D BYE MY LOVELYS!
I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.
PSY: ^^ Fank you!!! That's one of my favorites, too. NGAL(wtc, i typed BGAL >.>): Aww, thank youuu. ^^ GOLDEN: Wow, THANKS!! I really like that one as well. (: PC614:LIEK FANKS K8!!!!!11 SHUR! -givz- IWN: ^__^ Thank you so much!! (:
Thanks EVERYONE! New pictures soon. :))))
oh yah-can't forget mah teddy!!1
I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.
saving up for this. ^^ not positive i'm getting this one, though. for those of you wondering "didn't she just get a nikon?" i'm looking for a a good quality small camera. i can't carry my big guy EVERYWHERE. why?
1. i don't want it messed up :D 2. it's large & awkward
i want a pocket camera that i can take wherever i want. and this looks like a good one. so yahh. :D but i'm going to go to the store and play around with them, and see what i like the best. i was playing with a canon powershot s800 and it was great. then while looking online at reviews found the s850. anyway, if anyone has a reccomendation for a quality pocket camera, let me know. ^_^
gonna try to get some pictures tomorrow if it's not too cloudy. (:
I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.