thanks I REALLY need to trasnfer all the latest pictures I got Like, srsly XD And I will be posting pictures I took of my brothers dog, Chunks, yes I know, funny name XD
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
40 NEW PICTURES WOO! (this took forever to uploaddd) Coolio clouds :B ....STREET SIGN OMG :D My parents and family went crazy over this picture for some reason...o.O rofl, my bro's dog, Chunks, doing 'Paw'. That was sooo adorable Ehh, its k MAAAAAX!1 Woo, das my aunts dog, he sooo awesome XDD "COOOME HERE MAAAX! COME HERE BOY!" Awwwwww <333, the reflection is awesome HE'S WINKING AT YOU! Boredom+iPod=this :D <3 Ehh..dont really like it Love.that. omg. Awwww Really. really.reeeeeally. sour. oranges. o.m.g. o.o woahwoahwoahhh CAAAAAAKE!!!!! -wasveryyummy- Rawr, it turned out blurry-ish ;.; Loooove ittt Those flowers werent fake btw...o.O Sooo coolll Woo Rofl Looots of people he is sooo cute I tewk many pics of him XD love. it. o.m.g. <3 ....rofl XDD Awww Chuuunks! :D Rofl, awwwww :D Luff "LOOK AT TH4 CAMERA MAAX!"
-- Edited by Labrador_Luver at 21:26, 2007-11-11
-- Edited by Labrador_Luver at 09:29, 2007-11-12
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?