New Pictures. Newly colored shoe Other newly colored shoe "No more candy hearts and roses Favorite, idk why. tehe funny expression telling us to make sure we close our ears for when they shoot the cannon off. BEST PICTURE EVERR LIEK OMG!111111111111 Yeah, I didnt cover my ears completely and tried to get a picture of the mshooting off the this result. Would recommend you to cover your ears if you ever witness people shooting off a cannon. Its loud. I kinda like how I got the capture of him throwing the gloves into the bucket. Amazing views there.
I have more to upload, but I don't feel like uploading them.
-- Edited by Labrador_Luver at 21:02, 2008-02-17
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
Thanks xD And the church one,....haha xD We were driving bvy, and I thought"This would be a neat persective...*quickly get camera and trys to get a shot* and it actually turned out neat. xD I do need to crop it juuust a bit, the black in the bottom corner is part of my grandmothers car xDD I'm still surprised I actually got the church in the picture, we were pretty much right there when I decided to take a picture...
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu? ... ... ... e. v. i. l. squirrels are EVIL. samknowswhatimean heey my shoes were colored first GEEZ EVERYONE COPIES ME. YOU, AND THE PREPPY PEOPLE AT SCHOOL. GOD anyway... those are pretty :D i like the flowers :D