Kay, small update. Just some from my old memory card from right before my camera died. Bird, and a landscape. Then some macro from after the storm yesterday. Oh, and two of mah dads new car B] On sunday I'm going on a trip thingy, down to Daytona Beach (don't talk me. I'll eat choo) and so I'll get some beach, and hopefully other shots down there. Kay, noow to he pictures. Bleh, most of these bird shots are pretty soft, and not the best focused. Kinda dark. I might go down there at a different lighting and take some shots looking that way. Maybe sunrise or sunset. If I feel like seeing sunlight B] xDD I also need to straighten it. xD Heckz yeah its a cool car B] xDD Which one do you like the best of those two? Two different white balances, Bleh, blurry I like that capture xD
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
Thanks yaaaa'll! BEWARE Lotsandlotsandlots of pictures coming! I went to Daytona, and got lotsa pictures. I got about 277, but i'll prolly only upload about 100 or something xDD :B They should be uploaded byyyy about 9? idk, sometime around then.
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
Okie, posted earlier than I though. I'm tired, and if I don't keep myself busy, Imma fall asleep. 91 pictures coooming your way! bewarebewarebewarebewarebewarealotofpictures! My attempt at a late sunrise on the fourth floor of a hotel while being half asleep. Most, no all, of them need to be cropped. I like this one the most of the sunrise, but it reeeally needs to be cropped YAYAPIRATE Yes, watch your fries. Lots of bird pictures. beware. Staredown. Okie, a break from the bird pictures there. That one looked really good on the camera ::( Need to crop that one. I just randomly "point and shot" and I got it in focus. Now just to crop nd make it bettah I told you there were lotsa bird pictures aw; xDD Sooo you get a break! Can you spot da fish? :D tehe that fish was cool confusing...do yoiu get it? xD Yes. Tree. :D I liked to climb in it and sit in it :D Fun. I thought they looked cool xD My fry. MY FRY. Evil squirrely's Stiiill eatin mah fries. >:( BIRDY AGAIN! Haha, I'm evil. Ship. I-i mean boat!!! Need to crop that too. Yur never gunna want to visit Florida now, with seeing all these birds, are ye? haha MY FLORIDA :DDDDDDDDDD Swim swim swim thars yur birds It was sittin funky. AND EATING MY FRIES AGAIN tehe pirates yay Lighthouse now! Daarn you photobucket. You like to mess up quality. The poor bo-ships on land :( Pooooor thing B] I like. WOO! I took a picture looking into this black box where there was a spanish sword, a bottle, and other junk in there. the sword was cool. Can you guess what that is? ...Cuz I cant even remember what it is..xD isthatjackscompass???????????????????? :D Ahh the tallness ._. 15. screaming. little. kids. savemeee. all those red things at the bottom are those little monsters. Up a couple floors! AT THE TOP! I like. If you see the person, you get a cookie. The stupid humidity almost killed my camera. You can see it stopped focusing at times. boatboatboat Hi shoes Do you see the pwetty colors? xD Maybe its just my tiredness xD LOOK OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH IMMA BE RICH! LOOK AT THE PORTAL ON THE BOTTOM RIGHT O_________________________________________O haha xD Siwwy reflections SHINY!!! Dude, that thing was soo cool. xD It cast rainbowwy color reflections everywhere. AND it was cold in the room xD SEE? rainbowwyyyy pwetty colorss Messed with the saturation on that one Now I was at the tocoma park, or something like that xD RoooOOOooock....s If you can guess what that it, you get a cookie I doo not know why I took thar, or why I like it. But I do xD The kitty from at that park. It was so cute :( XD
...I am FINALLY done. And your prolly dead by now. If I crashed your compy....you get a cookie. Lotsa cookies going around today, ay?
-falls asleep-
-- Edited by Labrador_Luver at 19:29, 2008-07-21
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?