one thing I have is how the cat BEGS for Honey Roasted turkey cold-cuts. XDD
once she wanted it so bad that when my sister was away she stole it from her plate and ran XDD I see her run into this room and I'm like "Whhhhhat is the cat doing with all that turkey? o.0" XDD I just had some now and she wanted it so bad she once again almost stole it >_> I gave her 3 small peices XD and then she was staring at it like "@_@" then she got mad cuz I only gave her 2 and blocked the computer screen so I gave her one more to get her out of the way >_> XD
what do your pets do thats annoying or annoying and funny? XD
Lucky throws his ball in the air XD or his bunny XDD and he has this weird orange toy whenever he has his fries toy in his mouth and i show him that orange toy and if i move it just one centimeter he growls and barks really hard XDDDD
It was only a one-time thing (You'll see why) but we were trying to train Cooter to open the fridge door and bring us stuff... We attached a rope to the door for him to pull on (Which he learned to do), then we tried to teach him to bring us a coke. He did it the first few times, but then the last time he grabbed one and gave me a stupid look, then dropped it. It started spraying coke everywhere, and made me trip. Hilarious but I could've been electrocuted. :D
He also grabs things he's not supposed to have (Socks, towels, shoes) for attention and runs when we try to get it from him.
And Sophie jumps on Hannah and Shadow when I pet them and pulls Shadow's hair.
Well I metioned this before but, Snoky always tries to bite the broom when someone is sweeping so it's so hard to clean up. We have to keep him locked up in aroom while we sweep and mop.
My little cat likes to crawl on top of the desk and lay down on the papers that I'm using and stuff....XD and then he walks all over the keyboard and then the people I'm talking to get strange IMs cuz he types them and then sends them :] XD
Mac. He will slowly nudge your hand, then put ONE paw on the coach, and he will very slowly and pretty much unoticably will work him way onto your lap. :] XD Bo? He can catch treats in mid air, really well. o_O XD It's funny to watch, other than that, I can't think of anything. He sometimes runs randomly hyper around the basement. :D XD