Yo sup peeps, dis is mai comedy thread with other users dogs! they will allw ork in plays. The first play is going to be: Romeo and juliet by Willam Shakespeare! The first chapter will be the auditions. I sure hope you like this!
I am going to list the dogs I will be using. If your dog is listed and you do not want him/her to be in this comedy just say so and i will remove it immediately.
Jake Zoey Peanut Bo Sadie Star Lucky Mojo
-- Edited by CollarGirl at 22:25, 2007-08-21
-- Edited by CollarGirl at 02:30, 2007-08-22
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).
Lucky: yayzerz first rhearsal!^^ I even stole a lock of fur from Bo for a broom! Bo: *has a bald spot* well how nice for you Sadie: hi Mojo Mojo: h-haaaaaaaa *faints* Jake: *pushes past fainted Mojo* hey babe. I say dinner, a romantic canal ride along the crystal clear lake, and some sugar, if ya know what I mean Sadie: S-s-s-SUAGR??????? Jake: *clicks* yep. Sadie: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHERE I COME FROM, SUGAR IS A SIGN FROM THE DARK LORD MOLDYWARTS! ITS A CURSE! RUN! *runs away* Star: you sure have such a way with girls..... Jake: oh, she wants me alright.
Sadie da Dachshund (SD): hello everybody! I am Sadie, your director for this play! Zoey: so no more creepy glum guy? SD: thats right! *brief party erupts* Star: *skidders back quickly* we're back.... SD: well, let's get started!
Sadie: Romeo, where for art thou Romeo? Mojo: HI SADIE!!! Sadie: Romeo, where art thee....? Mojo: *steps onto Peanut* As I climbith this vine, I only dreamith of the um, love...ith, I will find..ith at the top of thee...tower-ith. Everybody: Peanut: LOL DAT TICKLES! Sadie: Romeo, my dear beloved Romeo, how art thou doing? Mojo: *staring in Sadie's eyes* Sadie: *waves in front of face* um, Romeo?
BACKSTAGE Jake: I must stop that kiss Zoey: me two! Jake: Lets work together. here, help me move this fridge over there. Zoey: where'd you get a refridgerator? Jake: i dunno i just found it in some random person's kitchen.
Jake: anyways that doesnt matter. lets just move this thing!
Mojo: as I stare deeply into those stunning blue eyes, I imagine thee together forever, as a couple...ith. Sadie: I agree fair Romeo, and truly will we be together with eachith. *They lean in for the lick* Jake: aaaannnnnddddd......NOW! *fridge bams Sadie off the tower and Jake catches her. Zoey runs up to Mojo*
SD: STOPITH! ALL OF YOU! Everybody: bt he and her and they were like gonna kiss and so I went in Mojo is my dream boy but he was gonn aplant one upon stupid Sadie who everybody loves I love Sadie but MOJO here butted in and cost me my gal so Zoey and I planned a pack and everybody is always fighting over me for some reason because I guess I'm a pretty girl, you know, and- Sadie: OMG MAI NAME IZ SADIE TWO! SD: OMG IT IZ WE HAB DA SAME NAME! Mojo: oh brother... Star: they were made for each other... Lucky: I WUB MAI BO HAIR SWEEPER Bo: *still has bald spot*
Will they ever kiss? Find out in the next chapter!
-- Edited by CollarGirl at 02:30, 2007-08-22
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).
Mojo: Sup peeps! Sadie: gee I hope I get da part of Juliet. Mojo: *is imagining-* CALL ME ROMEO! Jake:YOU CANT TAKE MAI GAL! Jake and Mojo: Lucky: geez I just hope I get stage crew. I am a no good actor Peanut: g' luck with dat... Bo: I BROUGHT MA 4 leaf CLOVER FOR LUCK! Lucky: Of course! I'm LUCKY!!! Zoey and Peanut: WHER R DA DONUTS? Jake: um, over ther? Zoey and Peanut: *run over there* Lucky: are there seriously donuts over there? Jake: no I just said that to make them happy. Star: OMG I WUB DONUTS! GIB ME SUM!
Audition person: FIRST UP! Mojo: yay dats me! *goes up to audition guy* I just wanted to say hello. I really hope we get off to a good start. Btw, I have to be Romeo. Thanks. I'm so glad we can be pals like this! Audition person: Mojo: ook then...
Mojo: *clears throat* ALAS, Princess Penelope, I am no more. But YOU, YOU IN YOUR CIRCLE OF MAGICAL WISDOM, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU- Audition person: Mojo: YOU, ARE THE LUV, MY LUV, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU YOU you- Audition person:
Peanut's Audition: Peanut: I would like 2 b a vine. Audition guy: Peanut: *stands up straight* Clock: tick tick tick..... -3o minutes- Clock: tick tick tick -1 hour- Clock: tick tick tick Audition guy: OK YOU'VE PROVED YOU CAN STAND STILL
Bo Audition: Bo: I am trying out for the cable tv guy. Audition guy: there was no tv- ok carry on. Bo: ANTENEA GO ON TV OMG AND SO DOES DIS AND- AG: NEXT!
Star's Audition: Star: I am trying out for a star role. After all, I am a star. And mai name is Star! Yippeee!! AG: get on w/ it. Star: twinklle twinkle little star, how I'm amazed by what you can do! Up upon the stage I sit, you are incrdible that is true, twinklle twinkle wittle me, how I fill myself with glee!
Zoey's Audition: Zoey: I WUB PAI! AG: joy
Jakie's Audition: Jake: im too sexy for my fur, too sexy 4 mai fur
Sadie's Audition: Sadie: I am trying out for Juliet. AG: you can be whoever u want luv Sadie: YAY!
Lucky's Audition: Lucky: AG: start you audition plz Lucky: I dont need to, Im Lucky enough t get the part I want! AG: hurry up Lucky: AG: I QUIT!
Chapter Two The Roles of the Play
AG: I will now announce teh parts in teh play. Jake: * is crossing fingers* Mojo: *is crossing toes* Zoey: *iiz eeting tuna* AG: Peanut will play...um, a vine... Peanut: WOOHOOOOOOOOOO! IN YUR FACE! Everybody else: AG: Zoey will play Confused Person # 1... Zoey: AG: and Bo will play Confused Person # 2. Bo: but i wanted 2 b da cable tv guy AG: Jake will play Romeo's understudy. Jake: WHAT!?!?! AG: and Mojo will play Rrrrromeo Jake: what. Mojo: I g-g-get to k-kiss- Sadie? *faints* Zoey: but u so wubable u can kiss me 2 Jake: Mojo g-g-gets to k-kiss- Sadie? *faints* Zoey: but i want Mojo to kiss me I so prettifull Peanut: ......sure you are.
AG: and Juliet will be played by: *drumroll sounds* SADIE! Bo: wow that was the first time he's smiled ever... Sadie: YAY!!!!! Jake: Sadie: hey Mojo *waves* Mojo: *gets up* h-h-h-h-h-h-h-iiiiiiiiii *faints again* Jake: lgsdlgasiufbdmshdjhlshid *explodes* AG: and Star will be Juliet's understudy. Star: UNDERSTUDY? But im the star! AG: finally, the stage crew will be: *takes a list out of his pocket* 1. Lucky Lucky: i so lucky AG: *pats him on back* good luck chum. Jake: I must find some way to ruin that kiss..... some way..... Mojo: *still fainted*
Sorry not extremely funny, but i got chappy two up!
-- Edited by CollarGirl at 02:29, 2007-08-22
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).
The dogs will audition, practice, and show a play in forn of ppl! Each chapter has some different thing to get the play ready, and then BOOM! Opening night! It will be a lot of fun! PLus, some dogs might not get the roles they want...:)
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).