welkom tew moy, az in psoy's, picshah thred mate hare awn vis thread way have manay grate photos, am oy roight mates? so loik, whot if way take uh brayk frum tha koind of good fotose, and troy owt kewl weerd lawking fotoes insted?
Translation: Welcome to my, as in psy's, photography thread friend here on this thread we have many great photos, am I right mates? so like, what if we take a break from the kind of good photos, and try out cool weird looking photoes instead?
whoy didja translate me mate oy spake english u awso spake jerman itttaly-in and choynase and joponayse and soe awn an soe fohth.
Why did you translate me friend? I speak english. I also speak german, italian, chinease and japanese and so on.
whot the ??????????????????????? anayway heres fotoes
so HEER mayts... oy was troyin to git a picshuh of de rayn! fantawstik shawt vot is, mate, fantawstik, and oy wanted tew bay tha furst won to git a fantawstik shawt of vis hare rayn. so whoy dint it happin?????? well oy tell ya mate, vis wot happened
"So HERE friends... I was trying to get a picture of the rain! Fantastic shot that is, friend, fantastic, and I wanted to be the first one to get a fantastic shot of this here rain. So why didn't it happen???????? Well I tell ya friend, this what happened."
so oy was takin fotoes af vis thar rayn mirite?
"So I was taking photos of this there rain am I right?"
wen soddenly! a yew eff oh, thots roit, a YEW EFF OH traveld roit into moy bedrewm! oy was loik WOA GEEZ O MAN n oy saw it n oy chayse it wit moy brewm stick an oy was loik git owta moy rewm mate git owt mate git owt oh gimmay monays yah
wen soddenly..... "When suddenly....."
tha aliens obducted may! oy was loik WOA TAKE PICHA so oy take picha n tha flash went awf mirite mayts n oy gawt slapd boy tha boy alien an dda gal alien punchd may roit en vis moy face mi royt mate so thay thru kamra owt window n bak intew moy room an oy busted owt n brawt alien dna wif may tew prewv it bot it was just gummay wurms oy say GUMMAY WURMS thay war intelligent gummeh wurms! *blankstare* i like smilin oy thank oym losin moy morbles
thainx foh lookan mates oy ral preshiate dot now lez partay wit moy spanish mewsic album yah????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am an idiot. Sorry, I am an idiot im stupid I am the stupidest idiot *bangs head on wall*