I took a bunch of RAW's today to make HDR's with. I have one made so far... The program is a trial so it's putting a bunch of watermarks everywhere. -_- I'm getting a different program right now, but here's what crapmatrix did:
mmm, eerie. hi psy's house
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
This was my first time shooting RAWs, I only did it for HDR's. Jpegs cant be used for HDR's... I tried :(
nu, apparently it hasnt even been ordered yet man i thought it waz But Schwarzennegger is picking off state workers who spend too much and we just spent $1000 at a store so it's probably not safe to buy it yet.
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
It's more about the brand than the camera in this case. I can see myself using a high-end Nikon more than a Canon. Oh, and it's not cheaper anymore. So screw Canon ;D Stop trying to convince me otherwise because it's really annoying and unnecessary.
-- Edited by Frederick-Alan-Grier at 21:22, 2008-08-06
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
I was goin for an eerie feel again. I like this but I hate the distortion near the roof (by the sliding glass door). It was made with 3 RAW's... one with normal lighting, one a bit darker, and one way more darker. The colors are cool to me because it was a really sunny day, the sky was perfectly blue but I turned the picture into something else.
I did a blurvalay (word I invented for blur+overlay :D try to pronounce it) on it to get rid of some noise. I accidentally had the ISO at 200 instead of 100 so there was some extra noise, and the editing itself adds a ton of it.
If you can't see the great quality of these, look at the walls of the house and the clouds... you can see all the little details. My backyard isn't exactly ideal for HDR's but it's good practice at least.
-- Edited by Frederick-Alan-Grier at 06:28, 2008-08-10
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome