I know, I know. I feel like an idiot for asking advice on a dog forum. But it's important, and I don't want Riley to have the chance of dying for the third time in his life.
After giving Riley K9 advantix for the first time, we noticed nothing. I noticed today while petting him that right in that area we placed one of the larger drops of Advantix there was a large, black, raised scab like thing, that had made his fur tough and hard to move. I peeked under his hair and saw to my shock that the scab had CRACKED OPEN and had disgusting smelly puke yellow pus in it. I told my mom we should take him to the vet (we already should, he's been limping around since he fell on my stairs onto his bad hip side.) but my mom doesn't want to because we bought the Advantix off the internet and without a perscription, and she doesn't want to be yelled at for this, and told that this kind of thing is why you perscribe it.
Please give me an opinion, I don't want Riley to be in a life or death situation yet again.
I tried to take a picture, but it's hard to see, and you wouldn't be able to see anything of importance.
I just told my mom about some allergic reactions I just read about, one very similar to Riley's (the dog almost died!!!) and she was shocked. I said we should take him to the vet. She said, "Oh! Maybe tomorrow if we have time."
Yeah. My mom looked it up and it turns out a certain chemical in it can sometimes cause hair and skin loss...And so we assume that's what it is. I'll have to ask her what the site says we should do.
Update: After his split scab being open for a while, the pus went away. Phew. At least we know now it's not infected....(Badly/For now)