review: Do you want to build the next Jurassic Park? Or have a terrifying T-rex? If so, this may -- or possibly may not, be the game for you. Is it? Or do you like good graphics, with games such as Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis? Do you not mind the graphics, and just like the idea of a zoo?
Few kinds of dinosaurs: There are more dinosaurs than just the ones in this game. There are almost 1,000 kinds of dinosaurs out there, and yet, in this game, there are not more than 10. I'm talking about the dinosaurs themselves -- Not the wooly rhino, or the wooly Mammoth. The name surely threw me off about this game. On the cover, it looks like it's more focused around dinosaurs, rather than Wooly Mammoths, Wooly Rhinos, or Smilodon/Saber Toothed Tiger. When I first saw this game, I didn't think there was going to be more prehistoric animals than giant lizards. Many people do not understand that dinosaurs had legs directly under them, not much feathers, and were bird-hipped or lizard-hipped. They had an era to themselves -- The Mezoic Era. This game, however, seems to focus more on the prehistoric mammals than the dinosaurs.
Information not legit: This game doesn't always give legit information on dinosaurs. Take a look at a Spinosaurus in this game.
This Spinosaurus is wrong. It had a longer top jaw, because it ate fish. Also, Spinosaurus in real life would probably want a little more water, and possibly less trees. For larger dinosaurs, it was harder for them to move in forests, and it could've lead to the death of them from breaking their leg[s] or toes. The real Spinosaurus lived in Northern Africa, which, at the time -- may have been a little more lush, and may have preffered dirt, sand, and coniferous floor if there's forests in northern Africa, which I think there is somewhere. He lived in the Early Cretaceous period -- Yes, that Spinosaurus vs. T-rex fight never happened you saw in Jurassic Park. Also, this dinosaur in this game, prefers to live in groups. Many Theropod dinosaurs preferred to live alone, it is believed. We can mostly tell this with dinosaur trackways, such as H*ll's Creek in Montana, and a sauropod trackway in Colorado. Some hunted in small groups or packs, such as Allosaurus. But, Spinosaurus is believed to not live in packs because it simply ate fish.
Another dinosaur that bothers me terribly, is Akylosaurus. Not the appearance, but where they made it live. They make it live in Savannah grass -- Ankylosaurus lived in Alberta, Canada, And Montana. I'd imagine it liking snow, greystone, or even mountains.. basically, anything but savannah grass.
Graphics: If you like dinosaurs as much as I do, you want GRAPHICS. You want to see the long, sharp teeth of a Tyrannosaurus. You want to see it's large, mean-looking eye. I mean having a dinosaur zoo and all is great, don't get me wrong -- but you want to see the real BEASTS that they are. In this game they simply have color, nothing else -- IMO on some of them you cant even see their eye. And -- in other dinosaur games -- you can even see their ears. Yes, they DID have ears. they had little holes in their head basically.
Picky Dinosaurs? Almost everything in this entire collection is picky about where they live. If you're missing one rock, they'll become insane. Also, they hate rubbish. Now, I'm sure the dinosaurs that did once inhabit this earth wouldnt go insane if they saw rubbish. In fact, most dinosaurs brains were no larger than a walnut. There are some things that are, well, just a little too challenging.
Reproduction and Growing: I find that dinosaurs in this game reproduce way too quick. Also, I think that some dinosaurs take too long to grow. We don't know how long it took dinosaurs to be fully grown, but such a small dinosaur such as Kentrosaurus, takes a long time to grow in this game -- longer than the bigger Stegosaurus.
If you're a dino-nerd like me, you'll find that these WILL bother you. [especiallyspinosaurusohmygoditbothersmetothisday]
Postive: It's very well done for a zoo game, if you don't mind not-the-best graphics. It has Dinos' burger stand, to an Ankylosaurus gift stand. A lot of variety when it comes to shops and fountains. The electrical fences go good too. They show the electricity in the fence, and if the dinosaur goes near it, they get electricuted, but don't die. I also like the idea of a plane if the dinosaurs escape, instead of letting a bunch of idio-- I mean, lovely zoo guests running around the zoo in havoc. I also like the idea of a scientist instead of a regular zookeeper.
If you're into zoo games, get it. If you're looking for dinosaur stuff...ehhh, there's better out there. ;P
Scores: Graphics: 7. Sound: 9. I find some dinosaur calls to be extremely weird. Gameplay: If you're into zoos like I am, 8. due to the graphics not being so good, the information being off, and the sound.
Overall: 6.5. I am very tough when it comes to games :P
XD Cool! ^_^ I have this game, kinda, its split with marine mania and the regular one. Nice review though! At first I thought it wa smainly focused too much on appeanrance, but then I realized it was about dinoasur digs, not just zoo tycoon. XD
Awesome though!
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).
I used to have that game.. before we got a Mac x.O I remember enjoying letting the Dino's crash through fences and eat people. XD
Oooh ooh ohh I did something like that! Except I put teh ppl in teh cage. The t-rex will eat them. XD And I used to make poeple zoos where I torture ppl and put vicious animals in teh same cage as them. The animals are always happy. XDDD
Anyways, very nice review Pony!
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).