I'm getting a new kitten soon! We adopted him on Deecember 1st, 2007. He's coming home soon because he has to get neutered and sutff. I cant wait until the new kitten comes home! He's an orang tabby, like the one in the sig im wearing that collar made. He's 4 months but is really little! We think he's a runt. He was in a cage with all his brothers sisters, mom and dad. The owner just dropped them off at the shelter. :( He's so adorable, though. We saw him for a few minutes in a little room and he was shaking at first, but soon he calmed down. My ioneyear old bro was playing with the cat toys and banging them on the ground and thw kitten didnt even mind. The sheklte named him Timmy, but just for his display card saying his age and personality and stuff. I'm gonna rename him Otis because I have another kitten named Milo. Milo and Otis! LOL :P If you have any name suggestions post 'em! I'm going to camp tomorrow and coming home Friday, so he might come home that day or a bit before. My mom said she'd bring him when she picks me up on friday if he comes home before i do! I'm so excited!The shelter said he was weaned from milk but he's a runt, so my mom said we might have to bottle feed him for a while. I'll be sure to take TONS of pics. he came home on dec. 5th!