I really love horseback riding. I just started my lessons, and I really enjoy it. I have very strong legs, which are a major advantage in posting and two-step. I also run (which is what gets my legs in shape) and of course, softball.
I like watching baseball and softball, along with show jumping. ;P
..yeahh I like watching hockey. And I like to play street hockey occasionally with my brother. :p And I used to play baseball but quit because I sucked.
I played for years until i moved, then stopped. I've watched basketball with my dad since i was born. [literally..we have a home video of my dad watching the Rockets in the hospital room...:)]
I love the Rockets. I can't believe the Nuggets beat us by one the other night >.> We still did good though, double over-time. Basketball owns :]]]]
-- Edited by ~PL~ at 16:33, 2007-12-22
I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.
FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTBALL FOOTBALLFOOTBALLFOOTBALL. Sowwy. I'm crazed. Someone sent me a card and specificly said something about the Eagles. XD
I loove hockey and baseball too! :D
I play indoor hockey at camp, other than that I don't really play. Dodgeball (i pwn.), softball, and I used to play Field Hockey. I was really good at basketball, but I stopped practicing and that kinda stopped the goodness. :D XD
Horse Riding. I just started learning how to canter over verticals so it's going pretty good.
Horse Racing, yeah my parents get mad at me for watching it so much. XD I'm short so by the time I'm like 18 I should (hopefully) be short enough to be able to be a jockey. XD