Well...Panic! At The Disco (i weerd i noe) I guess you could say I 'obsess' over them and if you do, I could say it's a 'healthy' obsession. Cause I'm not all "OMGWTFBBQLOL IT BRENDON!!11!111!!!123456789 SO HAWT OLOLZ RYAN I LURZ U AHH JON GO AWAI UGLI MAHN :||" ^Datz not a health obsession. :D I'm more for the music than the guys [Though I still loves the guys very mucheseses...yay new word...] But anywayyyyy...yeah...I used to be like this with eleventyseven (but now Hannah is >:]) but I guess their music got...old after a month or so...I still love to listen to them but just something about the music got a bit...tiring... But with Panic!, it doesn't get that way. I don't know what it is but I can still listen and not get bored with it. xD
AC/DC I have a healthy obsession for them ;P Even thought I think some of them were cute when they were young I am not like OMG UR UGLY AND ANGUS IS WAY BETTER THEN YOU xD Use to be Fall Out Boy because there music was very good but when I actually saw my dads AC/DC Live DVD and watched it, that changed of course ;P
I think I am the only one obsessed with them here since they are an old band ;P
"What are you going to do, poke her with a stick? Dude you're not going to poke her with a stick!"
I have three that I "obsess" over and are my favorite bands of all time. Simple Plan (durr. doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out :D), INXS, and Fall Out Boy. Like everyone else, I have a healthy obsession for them. It's not like the obsession Maya and Darius have over me..yeah. XD
I don't listen to many bands people here know very well. xD Skillet, Sanctus Real, Paramore, and Everyday Sunday are my favorite bands. I don't see much obsession for them. :p
I don't listen to many bands people here know very well. xD Skillet, Sanctus Real, Paramore, and Everyday Sunday are my favorite bands. I don't see much obsession for them. :p
Paramore is the only one in that list that's obsessed over.
-- Edited by Dont_Delete_This at 16:42, 2007-12-31
The Beatles. I've loved them since I was 7. I have an obsession about them. Their music is just.. I'm not even able to put in into words. They're more than amazing. xD
Fall Out Boy. favortiestbandever. But I HAAATE how people say 'oh ya they sing thnks fr the mmrs' or 'im like a lawyer...' [NOTEVENTHEWHOLESONGTITLE] it gets so annoying. those people just thing that whatever's on the popular radio station is cool. they don't even care. Panic! At The Disco is the same way. people scream OMGILURVDEMMMM when they've heard the most repetitive song by them that brendon even hates. and the same with the Plain White T's. 'oh yeah hey there delilah i love them.' 'have you heard any other song?' '...no...'