1. Hug them They get Freaked HA! 2. give em a kiss on the cheek and say "I love yooh, Will yooh Marry meh?" 3. Make em have a LONG nap [In anyway yooh can] 4. Take a basball bat and say "Is this what yooh do with this?" Then Bang it on there head then say "Dood Are u there?" [Not recommended For they get angry when they wake ] 5. Sit and Stare At Them with a weird Smile On 6. Make her go in the living room then go in your room and lock your door yooh wont here a peep outa her 7. When your On the Computer, And shes bugging yooh 2 go on, if the room has a lock tell her "if yooh go i'll get yooh when ur done" then YUP yooh guessed It, Lock the door Bwahahahha [make sure your parents dont kno] 8. Give her soap gum 9. Give her sumthing to eat [And, If all this doesn't work,] 10. DUCK-TAPE
Though my grandpa did something to his bro that would fit in this.. He put the sheets over his bro, got a rope, and tied the rope around the bed. :D [In all different places, some by his chest, some by his stomach, legs, etc.]
the last one is very very useful. duct tape ROCKS. i have camofaluge duct tape and red :))) don'taskwhyjustsmiley,wave,andkeepyour'wtf'thoughtsinyourheads
I like #'s 1, 5 and 10. The only thing is that # 10 won't work on my brother. It's true. And if I do # 1, he will run away, if he lets me (which he won't).