All the irony! TODAY WE HAD A LOT OF SNOW! :D Just about for a few hourse though, not enough to stick yet. It was like a blizzard at one point! Other's were just flurries or even just rain...I'm reallllllly happy.xD
We didn't get snow (sticky) in Dec., Jan., and Feb...xD Tennessee is the wierdest weather place I know yet...Two days ago it was 70F!
We hit a record for the most snow..and that was just in December. XD It's March and we still have tonssss of snow on the ground. So much for a spring break for me, huh? :D
haha LUCKY. Florida's weather can be pretty weird too sometimes. Like yesterday it was around 80 and sunny and now its like 50 and going into the low 40s tonight. lol. XD
lol cool. :D Right now its cloudy and windy and rainy a lots of tornado watches. ._. Then tomorrow its supposed to be warm...then sunday and Monday its gonna be a "freezing" (for florida) 50 degrees. XD