The iPod nano: Third Generation is sleek, shiny, and lightweight. It comes in various colors like silver, blue, red(not available in stores), green, black, and pink. But it's not just looks that make this Apple product, it also is the first iPod to hold video. It also holds music, ofcourse, photos, podcasts(100% free!), games, and has all the other extras like alarm, notes, contacts, calendars, and clocks. There's too much about this iPod to summarize in a brief paragraph, so read about everything below.
Menu: The main menu is split in two, as shown above. On one side, it lists music, videos, photos, podcasts, extras, settings, shuffle songs, and, if listening to music, now playing. On the other side, there are different things shown, depending on what your rolling over. It can show cover art, photos from your photos saved onto your ipod, photos from a podcast, how much memory you have, how many songs you have, and the time.
Music: The music menu has cover flow, playlists, artists, albums, compilations, songs, genres, composers, audiobooks, and a search menu. This makes it easier to find your music, depending on the way you like to get to it. You can also create playlists, to listen to all your favorite songs without having to kee pressing play every time a song ends. You can also put songs in any order, creating your own private concert. On the other side of the split screen, there are various things such as cover art.
Videos: Go into the videos menu and find Movies, Rentals, TV shows, music videos, video playlists, and settings sub-menus. You can watch movies you bought, rented, TV shows, playlists of shows or movies set up, watch music videos, and adjust your video settings. The quality of the video is unbelievable, better than some real TVs. It has sharp quality, and almost looks high definition. There is no trace of pixels at all, like most mp3 players and phones have when watching videos.
Photos: Here you can view photos which are on your iPod, and view them in a slide show. The photos are unchanged and have good quality on the iPod.
Podcasts: Podcasts are like mini videos or audio. They are free, and everytime new episodes of any podcasts you subscribe to come out, they will be saved to your iPod. When going into your podcasts, there is a list of them. When you make a selection of which podcast to watch, or listen to, then you'll be able to choose which episode of the podcast to see or listen to. For video podcasts, there is just as good of quality as the videos have. Every color is enhanced, the footage is sharp, and absolutely no trace of pixels.
Extras: Here, access your clocks, calendar, contacts, alarms, games, notes, screen lock, and stopwatch. You can buy games, and the iPod comes with three free-iQuiz, Klondike, and Vortex.
Settings: Here, access settings for your iPod like brightness.
Shuffle songs: By going here, songs in the iPod are randomly selected and played, but its made like a playlist, it keeps playing them so you dont have to do anything, unless it plays through all the songs and you restart it.
Now playing: The menu is only available when listening to something, and will take you to how far through you are through a song, playlist, and shows cover art.
Color: If you get a 4GB iPod, you are only able to get a Silver iPod. It's really the classic white color. However, by getting an 8GB iPod, you can pick from Silver, Black, supposedly Red(though it seems only available through apple), green, blue, black, and pink. They aren't as they seem, though. They are truly unique colors. The green is more like a mix between teal and light green, The blue is a teal color.
Overall: The iPod nano third generation is great for people who want something compact, nice, and not too fancy. It is compact, slim, and is not very expensive. 4GB is $149 and 8GB is $199 but lookout for sales, such as free iTunes gift card or free case with purchase. If you don't like the case or whatever it somes with, you can return it seperately without a receipt and sometimes they can be up to $30 or more, so it's almost like a rebate. I have the green iPod 8GB, I have to say I love it. I was truly shocked at the sound quality, and also the video quality. I'm a new music fan; I was not too into music a while ago, but this isn't just for music lovers, you can get it just to play your favorite shows, movies, and even rent movies.
Rating: Sound Quality: 5 out of 5 The sound adjusts to your liking, and it's distributed well through the headphones.
Video Quality: 5 out of 5 I'm picky with videos. I have never seen video this good, and it surprises me that it's that good for a compact player.
Settings: 4 out of 5 It has a lot of settings, like playlists and brightness, to adjust to you liking which is nice.
Screen: 4 out of 5 This is 65 percent (Apple confirms) brighter than the old one, and can be adjusted brighter. The screen is also clear.
Color choices: 4 out of 5 The colors are all unique, and hard to choose from, but they need something new to help out the unique collection of colors, like lavendar or yellow.
Body: 3 1/2 out of 5 It's really sleek and shiny. The back half is silver, like a mirror, but picks up fingerprints and requires a cloth to keep them off.
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 The iPod nano third generation is great, and really shows off today's technology. Would I recommend it to someone interesting in buying an iPod? Yes, without a single hesitation or doubt.
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Very slim body The back is very silver, shiny, and like a mirror but picks up fingerprints. Coverflow allows you to view your covers