hay doods. Not much stuff today (or at all), since school's been pretty bleh. Expect updates from me to slow to a trickle.
It's a ghost bunny sniffing ghost poo. Actually, when she started moving again I still had the camera on shutter-priority so it ended up taking like a 6-second exposure.
Another ISO 100 8-second exposure.
And then we've got this moody shot, which I really like. Here's the other one again for comparison--
They were taken within a weekish of each other, too.
Actually, EXIF data says it was a 1/200th second exposure. :P It was in the morning and I stumbled out of the house to take a few before going to school. All I did was flip it to ISO 100 and take a few shots in landscape/portrait and a couple different focal lengths. That one was the keeper.
These are the better shots from about an hour I spent playing with Chip. I used a tripod (it's handy because it's quick-release so I can just take it off quickly if she decides to run somewhere where I don't need a tripod). and the 80-200mm lens. I think all of them were at ISO 1600. I was getting shutter speeds of like 1/30th when I was taking pictures of her lying down so the tripod helped a lot.
Yeah. The XSi has even better high ISO performance, and it has better noise reduction. The D3 is still the king of noise control though (yes I admit it Psy D:). The last shot especially shows pretty low noise levels for ISO 1600.