So. We have this PUG. His Name is TUFFY. We only got him about a month and a half ago. The people we got him form had several other dogs and have kids and just had a baby. They complained that Tuffy breaks things starts fights bites and is a mean dog. He supposively broke a screen on a door that was a foot taller than him when he stood up. They would hit him when he was bad. Even if it wasn't Tuffy's fault. The woman also complained He was always following her. And if she doesn't expect a Pug Puppy to want attention, she shouldn't have got the dog in the first place. When we got Tuffy we were so excited. Me and my mom were ecstatic. We love Tuffy to death. Not to mention when we got him he didn't know ANY commands. So Within a month we taught him to Sit, Stand, laydown, and stay. We are trying to teach him to shake and rollover.Tuffy Howls and Cries when we come home. He is so excited. And when we take him out and he returns home with us he is even more excited. Tuffy Loves all sorts of stuff. he loves spongebob, Barking at my nintendogs and being tickled.Tuffy Is a beautiful pure breed pug, With a double curled Tail and the diamond wrinkles. He's So CUTE.
More pictures comming as soon as I find my Camera Cord!!!!
Tuffy Begging Mommy For Treats. Tuffy With His ONLY squeeky Toy. Tuffy Wrestling the Bear and Elephant. Tuffy is TUFF.
Aww.. when I got my Puggy two days ago, my mom and I were excited, too. Frank jumped all over us, and the former owner knew he needed attention, but had a baby and knew she couldn't spend time with him. Now she allready says she thinks he found a great home with us, where he gets tons of attention. Pugs are never known to be aggeressive, or "bad". They just need attention, and training. I suggest taking him to a dog park to socialize with other dogs off his leash, but only on a day not too hot and in a park nice and shady, or if he needs training, take him to a training class you trust, a lot of hyper pugs get trained at PetSmarts, so I take my pug there, because they can also socialize with a few other dogs, and you can come as many times as you want in 8 weeks, not just once a week, for the same price. It's great for pugs, and also I suggest getting him more toys. Pugs love long toys that someone tugs on the other side and they can pull on the other, or even a small stuffed bone is great. He's aorable, and it looks and sounds like your really taking great care of him, you truly rescued him. :]