kk so we know what zombies are dead people that come back to life (in their bodies, not as ghosts)
ok so earlier I was wondering, can zombies get pregnant? ok so thats probably impossible given that they're so stupid, but lemme ask you this what if the dead person (who is now a zombie) was pregnant when she died? hmm? Tell me, zombie theorists, zombie bitches if you will, will happen to the baby inside? Does the baby turn into a zombie too? Then what happens? does the baby rip apart that zombie's inner parts until it rips through her body and jumps out and start eating people? (this would make an AMAZING scene in a movie. seriously.)
I don't think so. there's an issue with that theory as well, bitches zombies walk too slow, you could probably get away from a little baby one. plus because it is so slow it would probably take forever to get out of the pregnant zombie's body. plus, i imagine a newborn baby zombie would be much too little to do any damage except for a few bites near the ankle.
OK so i give you the FACT that it doesn't matter where it bites you, you'll still get infected. But then comes another idea for you (bitches) and that is NEWBORN BABIES HAVE NO TEETH! and they'll die before theyre old enough to get any, so i WIN (bitches) and you lose
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
if a zombie will bite the mother i think the fetus will be unaffected and die without becoming a zombie. if she was pregnant when she died and then became a zombie the fetus might be one unless hes too young(like 0-5 months in her body). if he will be one hell bite but he wont have teeth so hell might be useless. i dunno much about zombies though :(