The only new things about it are a 17% increase in screen size, a SD card so you can download games (thats gonna be cool), a 0.3 megapixel camera, no GBA slot anymore, thinner, and "DSiWare".
You gonna get it? I'm not. Nintendo really needs new ideas, it just doesn't make sense for them to be doing this... do they really need to make 3 models of everything? The first GBA was good, the GBA SP I respect because the backlight was a must-have, the GBA Micro was a waste...whatever happened to the Micro? People cared about it for like a day then it died off. I still have my original DS, the DS Lite was also a waste, this one probably is too. Downloadable games? If it was free, I'd DEFINITELY buy this, but there's no way. Thinner? The original DS is thin enough for me, let alone the DS Lite and now this thing. Camera? my 6 megapixels > 0.3 >:( The screen is only slightly bigger. Plus if you were playing it on the street, people would probably think you're some sort of spy and get mad at you for pointing the DS's camera at them. You know it'll happen. Not to mention it will make you look weird. Does it even have a flash? well, flash probably won't help much either.
Like I said if the games were free I'd get them. Maybe they could offer free, old nintendo games... you can get them used these days for under a dollar, why even bother paying? What else can you buy for under a dollar? Does Nintendo really need that 70 cents? I'd consider buying it if they did that. It'll probably happen in the next few years when the games drop to about 30 cents, who knows.
More money-milking if ya ask me. But if you're someone who doesn't even have a DS yet I'd say go for it - the downloadable games will at least save you the time of going to the store.
-- Edited by Frederick-Alan-Grier at 12:32, 2008-10-02
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
That's stupid. It's so similar to the DSL. I will not be buying it, and I'm positive about that. I bought my DSL because I liked the brighter screen, and that it fit my small hands better. - Plus my brother was dying for a DS, so he got my old one. (I really only paid $50 for the upgrade.)
Pffft, rip off. Wtf do you need that for if you have a DS Lite? It's so similar..o.O Not wasting my money on this, I'm very happy with my DS Lite that I've had for well over a year with no problems. So stupid. i scrolled down and saw this picture.
I barely see a difference between the two, if there is any.
Pffft, rip off. Wtf do you need that for if you have a DS Lite? It's so similar..o.O Not wasting my money on this, I'm very happy with my DS Lite that I've had for well over a year with no problems. So stupid. i scrolled down and saw this picture.
I barely see a difference between the two, if there is any.
-- Edited by IWN at 14:52, 2008-10-02
When I first looked at the article I thought that was the DS Lite. Then I wondered what the ugly black blob on the cover was.
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
First of all, Nintendo's been doing handheld refreshes every two years for quite a while now. And Nintendo's a business--last I heard, businesses exist to make money. This will make plenty of money for Nintendo, I can guarentee you that.
And if you actually expect the camera to replace a dSLR, welll... yeah. Brilliance! It's always nice to have a camera of some kind, and if you carry your DS everywhere, it could be nice. No one's expecting this to be a 1Ds mk III or something. A bigger impact of the camera would be gameplay, I think. It opens up more gameplay possibilities, and functionalities like maybe webcam usage. I don't know the limitations of the camera, but it's certainly an exciting thought.
If you're going to beat on crappy cameras, beat on cell phones too.
They do have old games on Virtual Console for the Wii, from 5-10 bucks which isn't bad at all. I got 20 hours of gameplay out of $10 spent on Paper Mario for the N64. You could probably spend $60 on a game today and not get 20 hours of gameplay on a good chunk of games that have been released on the 360.
Majority of you guys already have Lites, and I agree when you say it's not worth upgrading. I could see a decent number of Phat-only users upgrading, but probably not me right now. I don't use my DS very much, but I bet tons of other people use their Phats and are eager for an upgrade. If you're yearning for an upgrade, this is the time to do so.
The DSi adds much more to the Lite than the Lite did to the Phat. The Lite was, at the core, still a DS. Just because the Lite came out didn't mean I couldn't enjoy Mario Kart on my Phat. The DSi has some functionality that the Phat and Lite do not have, which is what Nintendo is probably hoping will lure them in. It's what prevented me from upgrading to a Lite. I could still play games perfectly fine (and I prefered the clicky dpad for snaking in MKDS anyways).
If anything, the DSi is a huge step up against the PSP users who say "But my PSP can do so much!" Now the DSi can play music, USE A FREE WEB BROWSER, use external storage, and now it even has a camera. Bragging rights are pretty big when it comes to DS vs PSP arguments, and this gives Nintendo much more leverage against the PSP. You can even screw with the music--
"The music songs are stored on the SD card in AAC so you can transfer between the PC. The DSi will have built in software that lets you speed up or slow down songs, change the pitch, and filter tracks. So you can do things like isolating the lyrics. You can also record your voice as a track and mess around with it.
The DSi actually has two cameras built into it, one on the outside and one inside, centered on the hinge."
AAC is what Apple uses in iTunes, so drag and drop and you should be good to go.
In conclusion, Nintendo's a business. Businesses make money. The features added shouldn't be disregarded. New gameplay opportunities are opened up. The PSP's in trouble.
Cynical? Yup, I am. I just don't see the point. They mastered the design with the Lite (even though I think thats still a waste) and they're making millions on it, why redesign the wheel? I mean, imagine buying a DS then a week later another version comes out. That would suck hard. like I said, anyone who doesnt have a DS should probably go for the DSI if they don't mind losing the GBA slot. I myself just wouldn't have a use for a camera (and by the way I DO knock cell phones around ;) ) or any of the other stuff. 0.3 megapixels will give you a small resolution but it'll look good at that resolution so it doesn't matter, I just wouldn't have a use for one. If I myself was going to a place that was worth taking pics of, I'll just take my regular camera. There's people buying this just for the camera - for the same price or less you could get one of those slim point&shoots.
Sometimes its reasonable for them to remake something but I think they're stretching the DS out more than they need to. The GBA SP was the only one I really respect - GBA Micro was a waste, DS Lite was a waste, DSi is also a waste in my opinion for people who already own a DS. Seriously, who buys something like this for the looks? I saw tons and tons of people upgrade from phat DS to Lite just because of looks and maybe a few scratches ($10 says it was self-inflicted so they could have a reason).
I already have a phat DS, I have no temptation to go with the Lite or the DSI. But that's just me - to each their own.
Also, what's gonna happen to games that require a GBA slot like Guitar Hero On Tour?
The PSP has been in trouble since the beginning. :P
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
So you're saying if a company "mastered" a design, they should just leave it alone and never touch it again? THINK ABOUT THE MOUNTAINS OF MONEY YOU'RE MISSING OUT ON.
These extra features aren't BAD. A camera won't make it suck. A bigger screen won't make it suck. More brightness settings won't make it suck. An SD card slot won't make it suck.
And the whole thing about having a camera around at all times is you never know when there's something worth taking a picture of--that's why most fights at schools or whatever were captured on cell phones. Kids didn't wake up and go "Hey, a Hispanic's going to insult an African-American! I better bring my camcorder!" They used what they had, and it was enough.
And people who are buying this just for the camera are retards.
Remaking is bad? What do you want instead? Look at the original Game Boy-
Game Boy/Play It Loud! Game Boy/Game Boy Pocket/Game Boy Light/Game Boy Color
The brand's popularity was massive, and it's earned a place in pop culture (parents still call handheld gaming devices 'Game Boys') and it cemented the mounds of money Nintendo was sitting on.
And you're missing out on what the DSi is about. The DSi doesn't even look that different, but it's the FEATURES. Disregarding the people who buy for looks because they're whores, you've got quite a lot of new functionality here. It's not like they stripped the dual-screen logo and slapped a camera on the front and that's all they did.
And, games that require the GBA slot won't work. I wonder how Pokemon will work around that...
thats...random...i dont get the point much of a camera on it... honestly im fine with my ancient DS. even though i have a lite...i prefer the originaly. XD myliteispinktoo...