Okay tell me HOW DID THEY COME UP WITH THIS? Did they write it? No. They didn't. How could they? There are no words. It is merely rage. SOMEBODY out there thought that making sounds like pigs being slaughtered mixed with a 4 year old raging over his mother not letting him stay up late to watch Captain Planet and the sounds of a moose raging over god knows what, was a good idea for a song. SOMEBODY out there considers this music.
It doesn't qualify as music. That is not an opinion. It is fact. Nobody who is sane will be capable of listening to this as music. Crazy? Yes. Party music? NO. THIS IS NOT PARTY MUSIC. It is NOT music at ALL. It's just a man, or a woman, or whatever you wanna call it, who hasn't gotten over his mom causing him to miss so many episodes of Captain Planet, trapped in a room with a microphone, RAGING. With padded walls? No. UNPADDED WALLS. The thing, whatever you may call it, tramples across the room and beats up a wall. It hurts itself. It gets even MORE angry and screams LOUDER.
Later that day, someone stumbles upon the recording. They add a beat to the background (which is washed out by the rage) and call it a song.
That's just a possible explanation, I think the one in my dA journal makes more sense but I don't even know. It could go either way. I just don't understand. I'm gonna go to bed. I'll figure this out later. Maybe. That's a daunting task. Seriously.
Have any alternate theories?!
-- Edited by Pelord on Wednesday 15th of July 2009 11:49:10 PM
that old sig was big as fuck so i just removed it you're welcome
...And apparently theres real lyrics. God this song scares me. The lyrics are kinda...innapropriate? What do you expect with a song that though... but yeah, "lyrics";