Peanut: We are going to see Fiddler on the Roof today Bo: What the heck is Fiddler on the Roof? A car? Molly.... No a play Toes: Well who else is going with us other than Me,Molly,Peanut,and Bo? Lucky: I will go. I have nothing ese better to do. Gilly: MEMEMEME I love this play Nickie: ME! Cuzz I am in it Peanut: Gilly you drive us there since your 16 Gilly: Okay -in the car- Molly: I hope she knows how to drive.... Gilly: K the red light means go -go's- -car crashes- Gilly: Lucky..... Peanut: Gilly do you have a drivers license? Gilly: No Nickie: Now I am going to be late thanks a lot Gilly Gilly: buhhh Nickie: Okie I forgive you lolo Bo: k then. Molly: We need to walk the rest of the way Toes: Okay Lucky: I'm gonna die Molly: Get a grip -a few minutes later- Molly: We are here Gilly: YAYAYAYAYA Nickie: Shush the play is starting Tevye: I hope the matchmaker can help find my daughter a match. -Matchmaker song- -Nickie dances- Girls and dancers: Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match find me a find catch me a catch. Matchmaker matchmaker look through your book and find me the perfect match. -later during the play- -Wedding scene- Groom: -smashes glass bottle- Everyone: MAZELTOV! Nickie to Gilly: L'Chaim to life! Gilly to Nickie: L'Chaim to life! -play ends- Gilly: That owned Peanut: You did good dancing =] Nickie: Why thank you Toes: Well it's time to go Lucky: BUH BAI Molly: Buh Bai Everyone else: BUH BAI Gilly and Nickie: MAZELTOV The End
-- Edited by Nickie4681 at 23:28, 2007-06-24
"What are you going to do, poke her with a stick? Dude you're not going to poke her with a stick!"
Chapter 1: At the Beach B) Peanut: Yay ^-^ We are at the beach! Toes: ZOMG WATER I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WAS WATER AT THE BEACH! Bo:..... Lucky: ZOMG THERE's A CUTE DOG -Lucky runs over really fast- Random Female Dog: ...Hi? Lucky: WANNA GET MARRIED Toes: Sure! Lucky: I wasn't asking you Random Female Dog: No kfnxbai -Random Female Dog Leaves- President Bush: ZOMG WATER I DIDN'T KNOW WATER EXSISTED! -faints- Bo: Uhm like who in the heck is he Peanut: I fink he is the President of the Unites States Toes: O RLY ORLY Owl: YA RLY Toes: You scare me -Molly comes- Molly: Hai Guys! Toes: HAI MAMMY! Molly: Uhm I'm not your mommy. Toes: WATER! OMG WATER! -jumps in- Simon Cowell: SANJAYA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sanjaya: Welcome to the world of Sanjaya! Everyone: You stink The End! Sorry if it wasn't funny >.>
Chapter 2:Dogs get on the Intrawebz Bo: Today we are gonna get on teh intrawebz Peanut: Wth would we do on there Toes: ZOMG INDIFFERENT FACE Lucky: ... -on MSN- Molly: Who the heck is NGal54 I think its a boy Bo:.... NGal54 is a GIRL hence the Gal Peanut: Who is IWN? Toes: Lets go on the NNKC -On the NNKC- Lucky: HEY THERE'S MY MOMMY Peanut:..'k then Molly: Let's read the Comedy A Crazy Comedy of the New NKC Dogs Bo: Hey I'm in there Toes: Me too Peanut,Molly,Lucky: Me three -shoots thread- Peanut: DIE DIE DIE Nickie: Mkay now I know never to let you get on the intrawebz Toes:-shoots Nickie- The End!
Chapter 3: The Dawgs Play Pokemon Diamond
Bo: LET ME SHOW YOU MY POKEMANS =D Molly: Uhm... don't you mean Pokemons? Bo: =| It's Pokeman's see? -shows box- Toes: Mkay that's eough let's just get to the playing Peanut: Yeah >=( Bo: Get your own box Molly: Offfffff? Bo: Pokemans =| Toes: -sigh- Peanut: Wthhhh Bo: -begins to play- OMG ITS A PIKACHU! -throws pokeball- Peanut: WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA? =D Bo: =| You messed me up retard Toes: Now stop fighting its just a game Molly: QFT Bo: Pokemanz > All Peanut: For the last freakin time it's POKEMON =| Bo: Prove it n00b Peanut: -gets out box- LOOK =| Bo: P-O-K-E-M-O-N..... whoops Toes: >_> Bo: OMG IT'S MY RIVAL Rival: Your going down >=] Bo: -loses- =| WTHHHH -throws DS out the window- The End
Chapter 4: TV Show Mania!!!!
Nickie: OMG OMG OMG OMG WE ARE GOING TO THE GREY'S ANATOMY SET!!! Peanut: WTH is that Bo: It's my favorite TV Show! Nickie: K everyone jump in da car -drives to Los Angelas, California- Toes: OMG IT'S MERIDETH GREY SHE IS SO HAWT!!!! Derek Shepherd: Back off she's mine Bo: George O'Malley you cheated on your wife HOW DARRE YOU Izzy Stephens: How did he find out Mark Sloane: So you made out with Izzy Stephens? Nicee dude Callie O'Malley: YOU DID WHAT Molly: 'k lets leave here before this gets bad Lucky: Okay Nickie: BAI! Now time to drive to Princeton,New Jersey! -drives-
Nickie: OMG OMG ITS DR.CHASE!!!! Dr. Chase: Hi. -sigh- I love Dr. Cameron but she doesn't love me Dr. Cameron: Get over yourself Peanut: OMG OMG IT'S WILSONNNNNN Wilson: HOUSE Dr. House: What Wilson: Did you switch my Decafe with the regular Dr. House: Cuddy: HOUSE I told you not to mess with Wilson's personal belongings Dr. Foreman: He acts like a 6 year old kid who needs parents Toes: 'k dis is getting weird -everybody leaves- Nickie: OKAY IT'S TIME TO GO TO THE OCEAN! -goes into ocean-
Gilly: WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA! Peanut: SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! Spongebob: I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready eddy eddy :B Patrick: HAI SPONGEBOB Sandy: Squidward Squidward: What Sandy: Stop playing your clarinet so freakin bad Squidward: .... Mr. Krabs: Why are you late for work? Why I otta Bo: Time to go!
NGal54: ALF TIME Alf: I didn't do it Bo: Yes you did Lucky: No he didn't Molly: OMG HE IS SO FLUFFY Toes: You all scare me Nickie: Say BaiBai OH WAIT WE FORGOT THE GRAND FINALLE Barbie: I'M A BARBIE GIRL IN A BARBIE WORLD. LIFE IS PLASTIC.IT'S FANTASTIC.... Everybody cept Nickieunches camera-
Chapter 5: Nickie's School's Olympics Day 1
Molly: Today we are at Nickie's school for the two day Olympics! Nickie: My first event is Arm Wrestling... great Peanut: You gonna fail at it Bo: Nickie: Toes: We are going to be late -at arm wrestling- Nickie: I'm against Mikayla Announcer: GO Mikayla: Nickie: Molly: Peanut: Told you Bo: Whats next Nickie: Raft Relay YAYAYAY Kris: We are gonna own Alexa: Ya! Eric: Heck Yeah! Toes: -gets popcorn- Peanut: They actually have a chance Bo: Yep GO NICKIE! Lucky: -walks in- Molly: Where have you been Lucky: Eating -whistle blows- Molly: Bo: -falls in pool- Lucky: Random person: Get out of the freakin pool Nickie: ....... Kris: :wth: Molly: >_> idiots Toes: OMG THERES A COW IN DA POOL IWN: OMG ITS GONNA MAKE U INTO A SUNDAE Nickie: -after raft relay- Well we got second place in our heat Peanut: And your point is?..... HEY THERE IS AN ALLIGATOR IN THE POOL Everyone: O_o Dr. Cow: "How does this mooake you feel" Nickie: Mkay time for the dive for Pennies Bo: -dives into pool- OMG CHOCOLATE Molly: Those are Pennies Toes: Is it just me or is Bo dumb? Peanut: No he is just dumb -durring dife for pennies- Nickie: mk this is hard -after dive for pennies- Nickie: -pushes all of the dogs into pool- Lucky: Everyone: Buh BAI Dr. Cow: See you next time
Chapter 6: Day 2 of Olymics/Last Day of School
Peanut:Whooo day two of the Olympics and its the last day of school Molly: Well for Nickie it is Toes: I am pretty sure she only has two events today Nickie: Yep Girls Obstacle Course and DDR
Lucky: Hmmm.... its time to get to the Girl's Obstacle Course Nickie: Joy! I gonna suck Bo: -makes another grand enterance- HAI EVERYONE Nickie: get off of John John: ...... Nickiewhats going on Nickie: ...... nothing John John: Okay..... good luck on your events Nickie: -faints- Molly: Look what you did Peanut: I WILL RACE FOR HER Toes:....Alright Bo: This is a bad idea Announcer: Nickie its your turn. Peanut: OKAY Announcer: GET READY GET SET GO! Peanut:-lifts up 30 pond bag- -drops it- -picks up soccerball- -weaves around cones- -runs through tunnel- -gets sack- -jumps to finnish line- -trips- -falls- -crossed the finish line- Bo: Yep knew it Molly: Shut up -pushes Bo- Bo: Toes: Nickie:-wakes up- Time for DDR Announcer: Alexa and Nickie your up! Nickie: Lets do this Alexa: Yeah! Peanut: Nickie looks like she is having trouble... Molly: She is....... Bo: Toes: -slaps Bo- Bo: Owww -after DDR match- Nickie: I sucked Lucky: Well I'll say Peanut: That wasn't very nice Nickie: Crap I have to go to the closing ceremony brb Bo: HEI LOOK A MOTORCYLCE -jumps on- VROOM VROOM -Nickie comes out crying- Nickie: Best school year ever ende...... Bo: Uhm.... Hi Nickie: WHY I OUTTA All the dogs: BUH BAI
-- Edited by Nickie4681 at 12:55, 2007-06-14
-- Edited by Nickie4681 at 15:40, 2007-06-15
-- Edited by Nickie4681 at 23:27, 2007-06-24
"What are you going to do, poke her with a stick? Dude you're not going to poke her with a stick!"