what's your favorite idea? mine is being creative
PuppyCat614 wrote:Aammaaazzzing!I love the triple wolf thing how it like fades out..it looks AWESOME!-- Edited by PuppyCat614 at 21:03, 2007-05-07
Aammaaazzzing!I love the triple wolf thing how it like fades out..it looks AWESOME!-- Edited by PuppyCat614 at 21:03, 2007-05-07
Thanks! ^-^
I actually like that one best, it was my first experiment with layer types!
TIKEY wrote:Your wolf signature is best out of all, but the others are also, awesome.
Your wolf signature is best out of all, but the others are also, awesome.
I'm trying to make the banner cool like that, but I keep messing up or forgetting to do it.