Thsi was WMP's idea, all credit to her. I know Ngal doesnt want adoption threads because she thinks they have no point, but WMP gave them one. I wrote a gudie for anotehr actoveboard I have for one of my adoption boards (my name on there is Pomgii) here it is, and it has a point and would be fun!
Pomgii's Guide to the Special Features:
Once you have adopted your dog, you can do many different things with him: take him on walks, put him in comps, feed him, brush him, etc. Here is a list of the possible actions you can use: 1. Feeding 2. Bathing and brushing (let's call it grooming) 3. go on a walk 4. Enter him in a competition 5. Playing with other users' adopted dogs 6. Playing with them and their toys (fetch, tug of war, etc.)
Before you can use an action, you must make a thread for your dog (that can be done on this board). After your dog has a thread, when you would like to use an action, simply post so in your dog's thread. EX: "I would like to walk Sparky now." I will visit your thread if your dog is one of the dogs adopted from my kennel (if its from MissmImi's kennel or something, I won't come in to help with your action).
If you would like to walk your dog, I would put up a list of supplies to choose from to put on Sparky (different colored leashes, collars, etc.). Once Sparky has been properly dressed, I will give you a few paths to choose from to go on your walk. Once you choose one, you will begin your walk. Along the way, I will tell you if you find gifts, or dog friends. If you find gifts, such as a new collar, it will be choosable teh next time you go on a walk. Also, if you find a toy, you can play with it when you get home. On walks you also have the option to visit the park. If other users's dogs are at teh park at the same time, you have the option to play with their dog and stuff.
Sound fun, right? It will be!
I will guide you through the other actions when you choose it, so I won't explain it right now. But it will be fun!
Oh, I almost forgot. It is possible for your dog to die. If your dog is old, say, in his teens, his dying may come soon. If he dies, you will recieve a post saying your canine has passed away. Funeral Threads may be posted on the off-Topic Board. It may be kinda sad, but your can always adopt a new puppy!
Every month your dog turns a year older. You are allowed to post birthday parties for him in the off-Topic Board.
I hope this mini guide explains your troubles. If other users would like to use this guide in their kennel, they may use this one as long as they give me credit for writing it. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy Pomgii's Shelter!
I think that'd be so much fun! What about your guys? (Thx WMP!)
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).