I have an idea although I don't think you'll like it Ngal.
How about we have a president of the NKC.This erson will be voted by the members here and they will run the boards for a month or two.The winner will recieve the adminastrator rank as well.We can also right up a constitution to avoid them from having too much power.
I know it goes a little against you NGal but it doesn't feel right that you have the adminastrator rank even if you did create these boards.
I don't agree with the President thing, for whatever reason. :P It just seems like something a lot of people would get upset about, because a popular person is likely to be chosen.
Anyways, nice debates guys, I have to say that this IS a dog forum, and the rightful place for Pokemon disscussion will be in Games Galore and will stay that way.
The off-topic board is coming, I'm working on it through the week and hope for it to be up soon!