I like horses. That is it. Ya, it's true the game gets boring. But to just look at the back and say it stinks is like judging a book by it's cover. Don't knock till you tried it. I don't like dressage in the game either, because it takes like 2 minutes to get to the next gait thing when you are doing the piaffe.
I like horses. That is it. Ya, it's true the game gets boring. But to just look at the back and say it stinks is like judging a book by it's cover. Don't knock till you tried it. I don't like dressage in the game either, because it takes like 2 minutes to get to the next gait thing when you are doing the piaffe.
...I played Dogz, like I said. And it sucked. And I don't like Horses, so it's no doubt that Horsez would suck too. >_>
it's not THAT bad. I do hate dressage though, I don't know what to do on: ?, but I usualy do a circle, and SOMETIMES it works. I thought it was a rip off, though. I only like foal mode, but I play normaly to get money for my foal XD
GOOOOOOOOOOO FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR: http://wouldcouldshould.tumblr.com/
I have it for PS2. (Yeah, I own almost every horse game out there) I played it for 2 days. Then BAM I got stuck. The graphics suck too. The riders don't even have saddles. >.>
why is everyone obsessed with horses? u guys should meet my friend....she worships horses....anyway...im not gonna buy the game....
I'm a loyal horse fan. I've loved them since I was a kid. And yes, I worship horses for their beauty, grace, intelligance, and how loveable ad sweet they are.
why is everyone obsessed with horses? u guys should meet my friend....she worships horses....anyway...im not gonna buy the game....
I'm a loyal horse fan. I've loved them since I was a kid. And yes, I worship horses for their beauty, grace, intelligance, and how loveable and sweet they are.
why is everyone obsessed with horses? u guys should meet my friend....she worships horses....anyway...im not gonna buy the game....
I'm a loyal horse fan. I've loved them since I was a kid. And yes, I worship horses for their beauty, grace, intelligance, and how loveable and sweet they are.
lol Yep, 12 years. I don't take lessons though. It would be the best thing in the world if I could but there aren't any good stables around me. So I geuss that makes me even more loyal to horses than some other people who get lessons..