I know the world's a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.
~PuppyLover~ wrote: OMG! The pictures are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! The pictures are ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks ~PL~!!!
IWN wrote: So cute!
So cute!
Nintendogsgal54 wrote: Gaah he's so cute. =PHe's such a sweetie too. =)I'll post some of the pictures I took later. =P I got some cute ones. =D
Gaah he's so cute. =PHe's such a sweetie too. =)I'll post some of the pictures I took later. =P I got some cute ones. =D
GOLDENRETRIEVERLOVER wrote: Noel is so cute!!! I love his hair cut XD
Noel is so cute!!! I love his hair cut XD
Thanks I would take more but the camera I got last night was messed up so my dad took it back. I might get the same one I had from a different store.