There's a new dog named Hibiscus, A Hawaiian shetland sheepdog!
Buster: -sigh- I'm bored. -doorbell rings- Rex: I'll get it! -opens door- Halia: Hi, I- Rex: -slams door- Buster: Who was that? Rex: Salesperson. Buster: Let me see.. -opens door- Hibiscus: Hi, I'm from Hawaii. My name's Hibiscus, and I was wondering if you want to be friends. Buster: S-s-sure! You can even stay here if you want! Would you like bowl of water or something? Hibiscus: Thanks! If it's really okay with you, I'd be more than happy to stay! Ad no thanks, I'm not very thirsty. Buster: Trust me, it'd be my pleasure. Wanna come meet the dogs or keep chatting? Hibiscus: I'll go meet 'em. Let me start with you. -giggles- What's your name, Wrinkles? Buster: -blushes and giggles- Well, it's... umm.. it's... Buster. Hibiscus: Nice to meet you, Buster. Buster:
Chapter 8 Family Fun Night! Starring: IWN's dog, Peanut!
Cupcake: We're gonna have a family fun week! We're gonna have a little show for fun, so Peanut's here to cast! Hibiscus: YAY!
Peanut: I'm ready! Rex: Hi Peanut: Hi Rex: Hi Peanut: Bye! Rex:-leaves-
Peanut: Next! Cupcake: I ammmmmm a black poodle, a black poodle, a black poodllllleeee! I ammmmm a black poodle, unless I'm white and dirty all the time! I'm so small 'cause i'm a toy pooooooodddlllleeeeeeee! -window breaks- Peanut: Oooooookay... NEXT!
Coke: Who's afraid of the big, brown lab? The big brown lab? THE BIG BROWN LAB!!!! Who's afraid of the big brown lab? LA DEEE DAAA DEEE DUUUUUMMM! Peanut: Next!
Target: -sits up tall- Peanut: You can start now. Target: I did. You're supposed to take one look at me and realize I definitely deserve the best part. Peanut: Ok, next!
Buster: -sings- You are my one and only star in the night, you shine the night awaaay. You are my only care in the world, I'm so glad you're here to staaay. -pauses- I love you with aaaall my heeearrt. Nothing cannnn teaar us apaaart. No no no no noo nooooo, you're here to stay! -faster beat- Together me and yoouuu! Ohhh, yes it's truuuueee. Together you and me, we're freeee, we're freeeeeee! Togetheeeeeerr, Foreeeeeveeer... You and mmmeeeeeeeeeee. Peanut: Buster: I was bad, huh? Peanut: No, you were great! Buster: YAY! Peanut: Next!
Hibiscus: Dream's are foreeever.... no matter what. Dream's are 'til the end.Our faith will stay truuueee. Dreams last a lifetime.. Love, faith, and soul. We'll be friends until the eeeend. Dream's are forever... Peanut: Wow! I think I have this figured out...
Coke: -jumps of top of stairs- Oh no you don't! -smashes Buster drinking soda- Buster: OWW! What are you doing?? Coke: Practicing my part as a villain. Plus I want a coke.-steals soda- Hibiscus: Are you alright, Buster? Buster: -jumps up- Yeah, I'm tough like that.
Hibiscus: -giggles, and nudges- Buster: OWW! -falls over- Ummm.. just lost my balance for a sec. Hibiscus: -giggles-