PuppyCat614 wrote:Nice! I'm working on it..but i got stuck...at th second part xDDstupid question....but when you select the transparent layer, it the picture supposed to be there?
Nice! I'm working on it..but i got stuck...at th second part xDDstupid question....but when you select the transparent layer, it the picture supposed to be there?
what's your favorite idea? mine is being creative
PuppyCat614 wrote:Heres my result!
Heres my result!
TIKEY wrote:Nice job, I don't have GIMP, but that looks explained well, and I like the result.
Nice job, I don't have GIMP, but that looks explained well, and I like the result.
Thanks! My dad uses that sig as his signature for email because he likes it. XD
GOOOOOOOOOOO FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR: http://wouldcouldshould.tumblr.com/
winkydoodles wrote:Awesome tut!!!!
Awesome tut!!!!
Thanks! ^_^