Activeboard seems more buggy than I remembered. For some reason this is saying that the last post was by Hannah. =o Oh well. At least I have an excuse to spam my thread with stupid posts. lol It did the same thing when I replied to Lock's I shall create this utterly pointless spam of post out of curiosity to see if it just does that every time your post starts a new page. =]
And to make it less spammy, I shall throw in something on topic. OHMYGOODNESS. EVRY1 H8S ME. -cry-
I love the second one it's got such pretty colors and contast and the reflection of the (sun?) adds that really mysterious touch. Those are awesome. xD
Thanks. That one's my favorite. =] And that was completely edited in. lol There were just little blobs of light--not very interesting, so I edited it. =p
Birdie Butt. =) Stop moving. >:( Coot. If he would stay still. I should've turned my ISO up. But the noise levels kill me. =( I EAT YOU. =D Stupid stick. :\ NUTHATCH! :DDD Squirrel. :)
Scrawny. =) He thinks he's a ninja. =) I'm a CHOO-CHOO! Ew. Crooked. >_< =O I forgot to identify that birdie, so now I feel stupid. =) LEAVES!!! Kitty. =) This looked better on the camera. :( Pumpkin. :)
Those are from yesterday. I'll probably upload around five more from today laterz. Plus, there were supposed to be 20 in that batch, but only 17 uploaded. :( So I'll re-upload the other three when I do the other ones.
Viaduct from yesterday. We were having fun with the glow sticks last night. =)
Some frost this morning. =) >:| There's supposed to be another frost picture between those last two. Webshots is selectively uploading my photos. :( And that was one of the ones that I actually sorta liked.
Love him. =)
Cleaning his tail. =) Itchy. =p
The end.
Despite what it may seem, I do not stalk squirrels.