Bugfoot's not real. Ghosts are not real, you can't see them, they are sprits. >_> Oh and Ghosthunter show is made up. They just make effects to make you think that Ghosts are real. =\
No they dont In the First season of ghost hunters they had just started out And how could they get that money to make effects? Ghost are real Sprts and ghost are kinda the same thing. Who is bugfoot?
Have you guys seen Ghost Hunters? They don't try to prove a haunting, they try to disprove one. If someone says there was banging, they try to figure out what could cause it, like plumbing things turning on.
Like this one... They spent over 6 hours trying to figure it out. They didn't even say it was a ghost, they said it was just something they couldn't figure it out. And they started TAPS way back in 1990, and they didn't come to a TV channel and ask if they could start a show about it - People loved TAPS and what they do for people and the TV channels came asking for them.
And why would they spend 6-12 hours on a investigation regularly? Sometimes nothing even happens, they disprove all of the client's claims and don't catch anything on video or audio. They're not out to prove a haunting they just want to help the people who think they have a haunting and educate them. Special effects? 80% of the time they don't even catch anything. Live 6 hour-long show.
So much evidence, and not real? :P Just a bit of videos the skeptics can pick away at, hopefully without just saying "lol they fake they waste der time ghost no reel!!!". :P Just my thoughts.
Bugfoot's not real. Ghosts are not real, you can't see them, they are sprits. >_> Oh and Ghosthunter show is made up. They just make effects to make you think that Ghosts are real. =\
No they dont In the First season of ghost hunters they had just started out And how could they get that money to make effects? Ghost are real Sprts and ghost are kinda the same thing. Who is bugfoot?
Exactly. They already had been doing paranormal research for over 14 years, they only just started the show then; And even in that 14 years they wouldn't be able to pay for it, because paranormal investigative teams (Good ones anyway) don't charge people. In fact it costs alot.. Their thermal cameras cost around $30,000-$50,000.
But I do believe in demons. I do believe they take over people. But I do not believe in ghosts.
A human lives for a period of time, and then die. Its soul goes neither to heaven with God or h e l l ( I had to put it like that) with Satan. It doesn't stay here wandering around picking up flowers. No no no. Ghosts are fake. I don't believe those shows. I think there was someone behind those lockers or something. Even if you bring me like a bujillian (LOL Orca's word) proofs I won't believe on them.
But demons do exist... read the Bible. It says it CLEARLY there. Like once; a guy who was possesed with demons. Jesus got rid of them and they went flying towards some pigs. So, this prooves they DO exist and they CAN take over people...
So... yeah... I do not believe in ghosts, and never will.
My opinion, lolol.
just came by to say goodbye. Leaving this place for good. Psycho sucks. Bye.
Yes, so there proves it. Ghosts are an illogical thing, that is infact real, well in my oppinion. Obviously, ghosts can be real. You see, how do you think the whole universe got formed? There must be SOME magic evolved in it. How did the first animal get maid? Must be some magic...>.>
Yes, ghosts can't take over your body, or do anything horrible you see in scary movies, most of them probebly tend to act nice. I mean, what reason does a ghost have to be mean? Because they can?? No.
Seriously, they do come in apperences, as in: They can some times secretly pull your hair. They can caus water problems in your house. (There's a toilet in my house that ALWAYS flushes like every day when no body is even using it)
You cannot see them through mirrors, because they are completely invisible. If you are a scientist you know that as a fact because you would need light to bounce off the ghost so you can see the reflection in the mirror.
Yep like someone else said can't remember I think it was PL16 nothing you say will make me not believe in them :] I think A Huanting is real but they do exaggerate at times. I believe is Loch Ness,Big Foot,Aliens,and a lot of other things.
"What are you going to do, poke her with a stick? Dude you're not going to poke her with a stick!"
But I do believe in demons. I do believe they take over people. But I do not believe in ghosts.
A human lives for a period of time, and then die. Its soul goes neither to heaven with God or h e l l ( I had to put it like that) with Satan. It doesn't stay here wandering around picking up flowers. No no no. Ghosts are fake. I don't believe those shows. I think there was someone behind those lockers or something. Even if you bring me like a bujillian (LOL Orca's word) proofs I won't believe on them.
But demons do exist... read the Bible. It says it CLEARLY there. Like once; a guy who was possesed with demons. Jesus got rid of them and they went flying towards some pigs. So, this prooves they DO exist and they CAN take over people...
So... yeah... I do not believe in ghosts, and never will.
My opinion, lolol.
But if they have something they need to fulfill the stay on earth till it is done or they dont want to go in the after life. My grandma has got hurt by a ghost before
Bugfoot's not real. Ghosts are not real, you can't see them, they are sprits. >_> Oh and Ghosthunter show is made up. They just make effects to make you think that Ghosts are real. =\
I kinda used to believe in ghosts, but you know, I find the whole thing very stupid. The very idea of spirits getting trapped in this world, doesn't seem very likely to me. You go to heaven, or..yeah. That's my religon, that's my belifs. And I will respect your opioion IF you respect MINE.