Lovely pictures! I remember seeing something like that on Webshots a while ago, and I sat there with a ring and a book and did that for almost an hour. I found it fascinating. :P
omg. more. lots more. XD I haven't been posting any from HI or the ones i recently took because i have no life and i was playing with the shutter settings since the idiot kate just figured out how to change it :) Depressingly they aren't going to be very good, my camera's not agreeing with me lately...[uh oh..]
pure amusment is why i post this..
i'm a pyro what can i say?
i had to have on my flash, so these will all look poopy.
that poor leaf, it's a loner.
funkeh tree
ha, i see something that says RIOT! in the lense! that's mah jacket B]
can ya tell i was bored.
hi phoney!
one of my bestest friends
yay, AFI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too green. ALIEM PLANET. forthoseofyouwhohavereadthatawesomebooktheywillknowwhati'mtalkingabout
when i look in her eyes well i just seee the skyyy
i like it
she drank blood.
icky :(
yes, i was wearing jeans, yes, almost all of my jeans have safety pins in that exact spot. YES THE PREPS COPIED ME.
I'll post the rest later, I can barely keep my eyes open. XD yeah, I'm still up.
thanks :D haha a ilttle late. and i have absolutely nothing mroe even though I've taken a million. BUT HERE IS ONE. i got super bored today. and i couldnt find me camera [its missing *plays taps on kazoo*] so i had to use a crappeh one and play with it on gimp. and i got it really edited. but i think it looks amazingly awesome. here's the original for laughs [its pathetic. XD]
i know...HILARIOUS.
now its amazing. lol can anyone even read the music? :D XDD so...whaddya think?!