SUNRISE! Haha, I'm suprised you guys aren't tired of them yet. Change of scenery though. Plus there will be a few extra shots. I went to this reeally old (Supposedly haunted too) church about a block down from me, thats right on the river, and went there for sunrise. Then they're also be some taken last evening. I LOYK TURTLES
Sunrise first!
Resized+recuded the noise...I think xD But photobucket is evil, and killed the quality.
Resized, noise reduced, then sharpened.
Reduced the noise, and sharpened. I think. xD I hate the noise that comes up in all the un-edited pictures. annoying as heck.
Deepened the colors abit.
Completely unedited aw;
Favorite. For now. xD
That is a miracle shot, even though it turned out crappy. I had already walked away from taking sunrise shots in the mud, to go on dry land, but after i got over all the rocks, i turned around, and saw that boy thats there on the dock.. "Perfect opportunity!" I thought, so I ran, jumped over the rocks, tripod in hand, and landed in the mud. I was so close to falling and giving myself brain damage, I actually fell backwards, and caught my hand on the rocks behind me. Its a MIRACLEEE! Second sunrise in a row I almost killed myself. Hah. Kay, back to pictures.
Some of the church now!
I like the lighting at twilight, its all pretty nd bloo.
Rawr, photobucket is MURDERING the photos. >.<
Now for some random, around the church photo's
Obviously edited. But photobucket is still killing quality.
I was so entertained by that reflection. Ha.
Also obviously edited
And now random photo's from yesterday.
That dragonfly was sweet xD
-- Edited by Labrador_Luver at 09:07, 2008-07-30
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
okie, moar nao. I went to Fort Clinch, a fort that is...somewhere xD But I need to know which your favorites are. There will also be some raindrop, and sunrise photo;s too. HERE WE GOOOOO,
Raindrops first!
Can you tell those are raindrops?
Not at the fort yet, but a neat lighthouse I asw when we were on the way there.
There were pretty flowers around it xD
There was a fence around the lighthouse so I couldn't get close :( XD
About to go on a ferry to get to the fort!
On the ferry!
I got weird looks when I was on the ferry for taking that picture :( Idk why xD
Endless waterrrr
We got stuck in traffic, but we stopped by this, so I tried different settings while phoographing it.
My attempt to take pictures out of a moving car.
At the fort!
Edited a bit, made the colors not as strong. Kinda like it.
Plan to edit that
Like it
Can't decided if I like black and white, or color better. Your opinion?
Like it. idk why.
That too
I could see the beach!
I like that
Those spiders were EVERYWHERE. I freaked.
There it is again :(
In the park where the fort is located
Lotsa greeen
My attempt to get pictures out a moving car, again.
Okie, done with the fort. But I'm tired of posting, so the sunrise will be up later. DUDE FRUN!!!!!!!!
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
The raindrop ones are awesome, I'm such a sucker for 'em. :( XD Instead of editing, if you have a tripod with you why not just lower the iso, it won't make the shutter that much longer..and then you get sharper noice-less pictures.
The bugs are cool, and the fort ones, awesoeme!! :D