Fudge. I started posting again, I was on the last few photo's, and I accidently exited out of the tab that I was using to post on here. Soo I have to start over...grr xD Thank you Kaatie Pie And yes I do know that most of the fireworks pictures are blurry, but meh oh well.
He's looking at the camera again! o.O xD
Icky focus
Yes that cannon was at my local park. It was sweeeeet xD 'Specially when they shot off a cannon. xD
Some dude that was singing. I think his name was brian or something...I cant emember...
Weird one xD
'nother weird one
One of my favorites xD
My other favorite
Blurry ;.;
Interesting again..
Thats what I call an unfocused firework.
Only reason I like that is because of the smoke.
Whew, done xD
-- Edited by Labrador_Luver at 08:33, 2008-05-27
-- Edited by Labrador_Luver at 08:34, 2008-05-27
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
R.I.P. My camera. My camera has died. Seriously. It fell off my tripod, for no reason, the tripod we were about to replace anyway because its crappy. And now, it made my camera die. I was walking in my room, right after attempting to take pictures of the shuttle launch, and I was about to take the camera off my tripod, but before I could, it just fell off. My tripod lately has been having MAJOR issues, and now it kills my camera. I know its just a camera, but I am seriously about to cry. I try to turn it on, it makes funky noises, then in red letters, on a blue screen, it says "ZOOM ERROR" So yeah, my camera died.
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
I wish you could have taken pictures of the shuttle, my cousin's on it! I would have liked to see pictures. haha. But again I'm sorrryyy D: That's horribleee.