I decided to make a tutorial on how to make a rainbow background Sig! I did easy it down a lot so there is 38 steps ;.; So this is my first sig Tutorial and I hope you all will use it!
Step 1: Open up a new project on GIMP. Make the size 464x132. Step 2: Make sure it looks like this! Step 3: Set the color to about the shade of Grey I have right there to brush with Step 4: Brush around on your sig till you get something like this (I will put links at the bottom of this tut for the brushes I use if you want to use them) Step 5: Go to layers and New Layer make sure it is White. If you don't have a layers tab click on the arrow that I pointed out in Step 10. Then go to Add Tab then Layers. Step 6: Pick 2 colors out one to replace the grey and one to replace the white Step 7: Get the Gradient tool and do use the Spiral. Make sure you have the same settings as me. Step 8: Mess around with the Gradient tool till you get something like this on the New Layer. Step 9: On the Layers Panel for the New layer lower the Opacity until you get to somewhere you like Step 10: Merge the New Layer down by clicking the little triangle thing that I circled in red and click Merge Down. Step 11: Make another New Layer and go to the gradient tool. For the Gradient selection Select the one that says FG to BG (HSV counter-clockwise) aka the one that looks somewhat like a rainbow. Step 12: On the New layer you made mess around with the gradient tool like you did in Step 8. Step 13: Go to the Layer Panel and once again mess around with the Opacity till you get something you like. Step 14: Merge down the New Layer like you did in Step 10. Step 15: Open up the image you want to use (forgot to take the white out >.<) Step 16: Select the Lasso too that I circled in red and outline your image with it. Step 17: Here is what your image should look like kinda after you have outlined it. Step 18: Now copy and paste your image into your sig as shown above. Step 19:Select the resizing tool I circled in red. A Window should pop up. Step 20: Above is the window that should pop up. Mess around with the numbers till you get something you like.Thn click ok. Step 21: Here is what mine looks like after I resized it. Step 22: Now select the moving tool that I circled in red and move your image to where ever you like. Step 23: This step is optional. Before you merge your image by clicking anyplace on your sig, copy the image and paste it on your sig. Rezie t to make it bigger. Then click ok, and go to the layers panel and mess around with the Opacity till you get something you like. Then move it to where ever you like. Step 24: Click the T that is highlighted on the Tool Pannel. Click anywhere on your sig and a window shoul pop up. Step 25: Up above is the window that pops up. Type in whatever you want the sig to say. Step 26: To edit the color and other things go to that same arrow and click add tab and click text. Make your text white. Also if you want to add other text like I did just repeat these past 3 steps and the next step. Step 27: Go to Mode on the Layer Panel and set yout Text/Texts layers to Overlay. Step 28: Here is what your sig should somewhat look like now depending on the background colors and hw many text layers you used. Step 29: Now got to Layers and New Layer make sure its a Transperancy layer. Step 30: Now on the Transperancy Layer go to Select then Select All. Step 31: Make sure the color is black if you aren't sure then look at what I have circled in red. If not then go to the arrow then add tab then colors. Step 32: Go to Edit then Stroke Selection make sure you have the same settings as I do up above. Then hit ok. Step 33: Now make sure your color is white. If it isn't change it. Step 34: Now go to Edit then To Stroke Selection. Make sure you have the same settings as I do up above. Then hit Ok or whatever it says. Step 35: Now make sure the color is back t black. If it isn't then change it. Step 36: Now go to Edit then to Stroke Selection. Make sure you hae the same settings as I do up above! Then hit okay or whatever it says. Step 37: Here is what you should have. Step 38:Now go to the Layers Panel and go to Mode and change the Trancperancy's Mode to Overlay.
And there is my final result (ignore the lines on the left side those aren't suppose to be there)
Well...I think it's AWESOME!!! You explained every step clearly and I will HAVE to try it. Also, good idea giving brushes!! IDK, prolly like a 9.5/10. The outcome was decent, though I don't understand the quote cuz i don't watch the show. I like the colors though. Prolly a 6.5/10 for that!! One of THE BEST tuts out there!
Well...I think it's AWESOME!!! You explained every step clearly and I will HAVE to try it. Also, good idea giving brushes!! IDK, prolly like a 9.5/10. The outcome was decent, though I don't understand the quote cuz i don't watch the show. I like the colors though. Prolly a 6.5/10 for that!! One of THE BEST tuts out there!
Thanks! And you can use any picture I just used Sam as an example and you can put any text you want you on't have to have exactly what I have.
"What are you going to do, poke her with a stick? Dude you're not going to poke her with a stick!"