cool! Does anyone know if Polaroids are good or not? Even if its not the best,I still get to take pics and I'm getting a 600$ compy for christmas or a 300$ Ipod nano,(Or vidio)
OMG, thank you so much PL!!I LOVE that picture! This is Maya without the 10.
Well I've never had one, so I can't say if they are or not. But I've had a Pentax digital sucked so bad that I had to exchange it for my Kodak (the one I have now).
So I guess it depends how much MP it has, and how good the camera company is.
Well, I WANT a Canon Rebel..but I don't think that's going to happen..:D XD Congrats! ^_^
Anyways, if the camera is good or not. Let's see. Well, I personally have never used one, I think Nickie's old camera was a Poloraid though. It really depends, you need to know how to USE the camera. Any camera can take good pictures if you know how to use it. :P XD You can get a 10mp camera and get sucky pictures, you need skills. Practice, read books, take classes. All of which I'VE done, and I'm much better at photography then when I only put the camera on "auto" and exspected to get amazing pictures. Now, I'm constantly messing around with the SS, Aperture, and F-Stop. xD