What do you do? Most people here, including myself, are on here almost all day so this should be interesting.
(JK, don't eat me)
Mostly I just do school, photography, mess with the dogs, read, and cook. (It's kinda fun; If you get bored, get off the computer, put your pants on, leave the room and try it sometime.)
I eat and sleep a little bit too, and go to the bathroom. But at least once a day I stand in my driveway and glare at the ice cream man as he drives by. Long story; but to put it bluntly, ice cream guys suck.
uh...well...eat of course, come downstairs to show my mom that I'm still alive, and sometimes I take a walk just to get out of the house. And every weekend, my mom and I go on some sort of hiking trail in the nature preserves that or around the area. And when we get home, IT'S BACK TO THE COMPUTER :DDD XD
O__O The compy is at my moms BF's house so were here almost every seconde day and sometimes stay for 4 days,so when I'm home with no compy I play VIDIO GAMES!!!!!!!! DS,GameCube,N64,and play with the kat and dog for 10 mins and eat and sleep all day,take walks. BUT when I'm at my Mom's BF's with the computer,I eat for 15 mins go to the bathroom,and get off if my moms yelling at me for 5 mins and go to sleep at 2:30 in the mornin(I'll still be on the computer at times.)Oh and watch 2 of my fav shows.But add that up thats still like 15-19 hours on the compy sometimes 2-4 days at a time.
OMG, thank you so much PL!!I LOVE that picture! This is Maya without the 10.
Eat (well actually not really..XD), take a shower, go wherever i gotta go, (Yep, when I'm gone all day it's not what I WANT to do - it's what I HAVE to do.) uhh... and when I do that, it's either I'm doing newspapers, or being driven around in a car somewhere.
I really don't do anything I want to do when I'm off the compy, hence why I never get off when I'm completely bored. Nothing really to do around here, and I'm not much of a TV person. Or movie person. Eh, staring at a TV all day just isn't the kinda stuff I like to do. XD Don't really eat either, I just basically eat dinner. (Which is not good, becauseee..I skinneh. Not like insanely skinny, but probably too skinny, I can feel some of my bones. XD I don't look like someone who hasnt been fed in weeks though.)
Most stuff I just multitask with. Honestly, I forget I'm on MSN when I'm not talking to anyone for a long time. XD So I'd get off, but I forget.. XD
There are the days where I do something different, here and there. But it's not often, too busy.
And yep, I kinda used to cook, but don't anymores Not any time to.
Everything in maiii life is time. Hence why I like it when I don't know what time it is. :) XD btw, never let it get like that for any of you because it sucks. Bad. You might think it's fun always going somewhere - it's not. (: XD
Ummm...nothing much...go to my grandparents at times...just get up and walk around...play with my cats....and thats just about it XD Im like iwn, and Im addicted to my cmopy, and my ads going to pull my internet connection soon because im addicted to my compy. :)
Wait, why are you reading my post? why am i posting? why am i asking myself questions? why am i so lame? why dont i just stfu?
Well, I babysit (I'm making 36$ today, wEWT!), I make animals habitatas (will explain more later), I do lots of crafts, not like baby crafts but sewing cat toy mice and stuff, I walk Rocky SOMETIMES, go shopping, play Nancy Drew computer games, play soccer, play with friends, play nintendo ds, draw, read... I go on the computer still, but not for like, 10 hours. I have other things to do. (And if I did go on the compuiter for ten hoursa my mom would kill me).
About the making animals habitats, We have like, ten Pacific tree frogs that hop around our hoses. So I made them a three section house out of salad cartons and added stuff to it. I think they like it. (Of course, we let the frogs go at night.) Also, I'm babysitting my friend's hamster, and I made a little playhouse for her complete with tunnels, a bed, and more!
So yeah, I do lots of things in my spare time. Also watch TV, TV pwns.
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).