What are you really scared of? - Bugs. I hate bugs. These things called house centipedes like my basement, and i see them. In my basement, and in nightmares. Googling them is not recommeded. But for those who have see them, imagine seeing one of those almost every day. :] Not a pretty thing. - Dolls. I hate dolls. I hate dolls and manicans. Seriously. Ever since the Wax Museum in NYC, I hate them. - Mirrors. I don't like 'em cuz I don't like seeing the same thing like, right next to me. I wouldn;t be very pleased if I was surrounded by myself thank you XD - I hate those big CAT machines, you know, the ones you see on the construction sites? the digging ones. (the ones that pick up the dirt and stuff..) - Oh..ya..forgot heights..heh...XD I hate being up so high. I kinda feel like I'm cornered. If I'm on top of a building, I feel cornered. - And of going IN oceans...go figure...XD and for oceans, I hate the current. - I hate ice. I hate ice-skating, I hate the snow, I hate ice in a freezer. Reason is... Once, I almost choked, on ICE. Once an entire CUBE was stuck in my throat, you could go into the refrigerator right now and take out a cube, and that would be it, because it was not small. k? I wasn't really that bad. but couldn't breathe for a sec, so, I just swollowed it as fast as I could. (sp. forgot how to spell stuff again >.> Don't ask.) It gave me a sore throat for a week, but I'd take that over...choking.
Oh, and nobody try to be funny and post a picture of what someone's afraid of. Or make fun of someone k? Cuz that's just downright nasty.
May I ask (without being rude) why you are afraid of mirrors?
And I am afraid of... spiders probably the most. I crawl with goosebumps at even the sight, but I am usually fine if I don't have to touch them. There's nothing I'm like, seriously downright afriad of, it's more of a billion little fears.
Oh wait, I just remembered something: needles. Shots, blood tests, injecting needles in me scares me half to death. It doesn't hurt, but I get totally scared over nothing. I hate the looks of a long needle being inserted in your skin, and I hate pain. The thing is, I get so worked up over nothing becuz it never actually hurts (im tough). Not even the blood test, I didnt even flinch. But that's still my worst fear right there.
-- Edited by CollarGirl at 02:35, 2007-08-08
It's June 2019. I came back to delete my signature of Ryan Ross doing cocaine (not that I am the one who put it there).
What are you really scared of? - Bugs. I hate bugs. These things called house centipedes like my basement, and i see them. In my basement, and in nightmares. Googling them is not recommeded. But for those who have see them, imagine seeing one of those almost every day. :] Not a pretty thing. - Dolls. I hate dolls. I hate dolls and manicans. Seriously. Ever since the Wax Museum in NYC, I hate them. - Mirrors. - I hate those big CAT machines, you know, the ones you see on the construction sites? the digging ones. (the ones that pick up the dirt and stuff..)
Oh, and nobody try to be funny and post a picture of what someone's afraid of. Or make fun of someone k? Cuz that's just downright nasty.
well heres this one fear that i cant say cuz then id get really get sad...any one say this fear and im scared til next month!its a doll in a movie lets say that...great now im scared!! well anyway im have a phobia of bugs mostly spiders though........and house centipedes are so creepy.....
- Mirrors. Before Collargirl asks (:P) it's because I've seen so many ghost-based drama shows/movies that include someone looking in a mirror, seeing someone behind them, they they look and it's gone. Even creepier there's been many cases of that happening in real life. (Not looking to start another ghost debate >_>)
- Spiders. Tiny ones are fine but most scare me, even the Daddy Long-Legs. - Oceans. I've always had a fear of falling into one and being killed by sharks or something. I'm fine around oceans, but if I'm on a cliff above one taking pictures or something I get shaky and need to stand back. (Almost happened to me recently)
- Heights. Buildings are fine (In fact, I love them) but I don't like being high-up in a open area, like on a cliff. Not my favorite milieu.
- Some dolls/toys. I had some sort of robot toy when I was little, and my brother told me the eyes glow red and vibrate at night. Being open minded that really scared me back then; I now know he was kidding, but that toy does look kinda creepy and I don't want it in my room. But thankfully I think I gave that to some little kids.
- Highly populated areas. I can't even calmly stand in line at the store. *shy*
- IWN.
(jk bff dont hurt me!!1)
- Lizards. Even small ones... I used to love them, grab some around my house and keep them as pets when I was little. Now they freak me out. Just thinking of grabbing one and it swinging around and biting me and me tryin to shake it off n it lets go n im still shakin n it flies in my hair n goin into my mouth scares me!1!
Oddly enough I'm afraid of so many little things yet I'm not afraid of what most people are. :P (Snakes, paranormal (minus the mirror thing))
-heights -fire -drowning -SOME bugs. (lol. mostly I go "it wont hurt u. :| -squishes-) -snakes (rofl, i watcheed WAAAY to much Croc Hunter when I was a kid. :D) -sharks